
Tell me about Budapest!


Hero Member
Hi guys! Looking for some tips here from anyone who's been to or live in Budapest.

I'm going to Budapest over the weekend in a couple weeks (travel+hotel paid by my job :toothy12:), so naturally I'm curious as to what guitar related deals are possible to make. Any good stores, any good local guitar/amp/effect brands?

Also, any good sights to see, wine to buy? :icon_jokercolor:
I love Budapest, been there 3 or 4 times..  unfortunately I am not a big help for you since it was a loooong time ago (first time was 20 years ago) and from what I heard a lot has changed.. and that mainly goes for the prices of beer and food :)
Szentendre - great place. Had a wonderful dinner there. beautiful view. Very quaint. Budapest - what a city. Do the ride on the river - yes tourists but you get to see some great stuff.  Learn how to say 'Egeshegedre'
Well there was this guy, and he did not like Budda much, found that him always talking about spiritual things go on his nerves, infact found him to be a real Pest
so he declared that the next place Budda spoke would be Buddapest, and now you know the rest of the story.
I dunno how much this would help you out, but in the States, we have a cable channel devoted to travels, meals and the like (logically named the Travel Channel). They have a guide on Budapest that my help you out a little bit--seems pretty in depth and may offer a few tidbits for you.


One other thing, I dunno if you have Top Gear in Sweden, but one of the show's hosts proved that you can get around quicker on a BMX bike through the town than you can in a Fiat 500:


Best of fun on your trip and I hope the Travel Channel stuff helps out!
The last time and only time I was in Budapest was probably before you were born, back during the Cold War, 1980, but it was a hell of a party. Being American I was I guess unusual and treated pretty much like a celebrity/rock star. Don't worry about the "in place(s)" to go, just mingle about the regular people/check out neighborhood bars/restaurants; from my experience they're warm/friendly/welcoming. I don't know about the local wine scene (and I'm a Connoisseur), the local/regional beer is so good you may not get around to the wine.

Have fun and post pix.
Thank you very much for the replies! I'll probably do the boat ride thingy if time allows. One of the other opticians at my job goes to Hungary several times every year so I've gotten some good tips from him as well. Like: a view of the Danube is great when you're eating, but you get better and cheaper food a few blocks from the river, away from the tourist trail. I've had some tips on food specialties and such as well, I'll be pretty heavy going home I think! :D

I'm interested in the tokai wine (not to be confused with the guitar brand), if that's the proper english term for it. Most eastern european beer I've had has been excellent, so I have no fears there!

And yes, I will take pictures so you'll know it really exists.
I live here. We've got one sick music shop and a bunch of crappy ones. You MUST go here:

Here's their translated web page. They're a hole in the wall place that's loaded with crappy new guitars and basses as well as incredible vintage stuff. There's a white strat down there with Kinman's in it (no logo). Don't buy that. I've called it and am saving up for it. Play it though, and be amazed at how great it sounds.

Map: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=hu&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.vintage52.hu%2F
It's pretty close to West End, one of our biggest malls so if you're lost, just look for West End and then head in towards the river.

I don't really know the city all that well as I live out in Erd (suburb) but that's for sure the best music store.

Who knows? Maybe we can meet up and have a jam session.  :party07:
Stuff to see... the chain bridge is cool, the parliament is one of the biggest buildings in Europe, the castle on the other side of the river is pretty cool too. There are some cool hole-in-the wall restaurants and stuff though like I said I don't know the city that well. I think the wine they make here is called Egri Bikaver.