The only other thing I was able to find after puttering around online was just the Strat style tip. If you were looking to do something custom, the only thing I could think of is finding something on your own that you would like for a tip (I remember the Epi Alley Kat had an acrylic casino dice on it for a switch tip). The way I would do it is by finding something cool, drilling a small hole into it, and using a little putty slow-drying two-part epoxy to fill the hole in. While you're waiting for the epoxy or the putty to dry, push a blade switch into the middle of the goo and let it leave a cut in it. When the putty or epoxy is dry, take a little mild glue and glue the tip to the switch. I say use some glue because I have found that occasionally, putty and epoxy contract when they shrink. Putting a little mild glue on there will keep the switch in place, and also ensure that if you ever need to replace the blade again, you can finess it a little bit and get the tip off.