
tele deluxe neck question and hello


hey guys, long time lurker first time poster.

Im in the mists of starting my first warmoth build but before i organise my body i was wondering
if someone could help me with a quick question.
I need to know the neck pocket size to fit the tele deluxe 3 bolt neck as seen here. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Vintage-72-RI-Fender-DELUXE-Tele-NECK-TUNERS-1972-/200421138993?pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item2eaa07e231#ht_820wt_913

would this be a strat 3 bolt neck pocket?
Im really unsure.
Thanks in advance

cheers Leigh
Checking out the Sweetwater site, it looks like the '72 RIs have three bolt necks.  Also, looking at the lower two holes in the ebay pic, they appear to not be tapped.  Based on that, I'd say three hole strat pocket.

The bigger question, why not get a neck from Warmoth?  It will come out so much better than a Fender MIM neck.
Hey thanks for the reply.

I would just get a warmoth neck but i actually have already purchased the fender MIM neck awhile ago.
So its my main inspiration to have a warmoth body made so i have something to do with this neck.