
Tech21 Fly Rig 5


Epic Member
Hey guys,  Anyone seen this little thing?


Here's a link to the page:

Looks kinda interesting.  I might pick one up come June and see what's what.


I went over to Long and McQuade over lunch today with a guitar.  I spend about an hour with this little guy.

In the end I bought it!

Full report at 11.
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon.....out with it!! What's the verdict??!!
I was going to wait until my pics were up on facebook to share!  :)  But if there is that much interest I'll give a preview.

I was interested in this unit for duo gigs with my singer.  For those, I usually just need a good clean sound and hauling the AxeFX around for a coffeehouse show is not so great.  So I showed up at Long and McQuade telecaster in hand and asked to see one.  They set me up with a brand new unit in the box (apparently one the first in town) in a practice room.  I asked to run it through a PA, but that was a bit too much to set up, so we ran it through a fishman acoustic guitar amp, which was a close approximation.  At least it had a tweeter.

The unit itself is really small and light.  The photos and videos you see online does not prepare you for how tiny the thing is in person.  You can really just keep it in your gig bag all the time and not really notice any extra weight or bulk.  Having said that, it also seems very solid - like it would survive being dropped down the stairs without too much issue.

I tried the clean sounds first (the sansAmp part).  This section has a full EQ (treb/mid/bass), volume, reverb and gain.  It sounds surprisingly like a black face fender, even the flabby bass when cranked up  :).  I typically run the trainwreck express model on the AxeFX with the gain down for my clean tones.  That model is very touch sensitive and is generally a joy to play.  The sansAmp is not quite as good.  I had to have the gain almost maxed to get the singing chime that I usually got, but then it was not as sensitive to pick attack and I had trouble getting it to sound clean by playing lighter.  In the end I compromised a bit and ended somewhere in the middle.  But the sound was very usable.  The reverb in this section deserves a note.  I personally don't like reverb and ended up with it turned off, but while it was on it was surprisingly accurate to an old single knob spring reverb.  Except without the springs clanging away of course.  very nice accurate reverb model.

At this point I hit the 'hot' button - which is a straight gain stage in front of everything.  It was great!  With my 'just at the point of breakup' setting on the sans amp hitting the hot button drove the unit to a very pleasant clean-ish but still with good sustain solo sound.  Think hot country telecaster licks alla Marty Stuart.  This was the best sound the unit made.  I really really liked it.  I ended up with set about half way up.  It's excellent.

Then I tried the delay.  ok, I confess that the delay in the AxeFX has completely spoiled me.  The one in the little sansAmp is just not the same.  :)  It's pretty good mind you, and works as advertized (the Tap tempo is cool), but it does not have that super lush sound that the AxeFX delay model has.  Still, very usable.  No one in the coffeehouse is going to know.

Finally I tried the plexi part.  I didn't like it.  Too buzzy, fizzy, with a scooped midrange.  Really stiff pick attack - you know the typical Marshall thing.  While I was at the store I could not get a good sound out of that section (IMHO of course). BTW, this section has a volume, gain and just a single tone control.  I suspect it would sound better if I ran it using a regular guitar speaker, but that's not how I plan to use it so I didn't do that.

In the end I bought it and took it home!  I had a few hours with it and fine tuned a few things.  I did manage to get a usable sound out of the plexi section by turning the gain down all the way, turning the tone so that it would not fizz out and adjusting the volume to get the level back up.  Not a super fantastic sound, but it has a bit of drive now if I want that long sustain thing.  Doing that with the hot button is kinda fun, but not sure that I'd use it.  :)

In the end, it's perfect for what I wanted it for - those coffee house things where I don't want to lug my road case with the AxeFX.  The unit is so small and light I might just carry it to all gigs just in case. 

Photos coming.  I plan to take it apart as well - will get photos of that too.

Mayfly said:
No one in the coffeehouse is going to know.

This is a very important thing for all of us to keep in mind as we whittle away at achieving the perfect tone - our audience (when we're lucky enough to have one) wants to hear us play and sing and have a good time, and really don't care too much about the tone as long as we're in tune and can sing pretty close to on key.  It's a hell of a lot of fun to indulge ourselves by pursuing the perfect expression of our inner guitar god, but when push comes to shove, it's solid groove playing that gets the asses out of the seats, and if you can't sound acceptable with an unadorned tone, your problem is not your gear - you need to just practice.  Myself, I need to practice.  But that still won't stop me building guitars.  :headbang:

That said -

Trevor, I trust your judgments about equipment more than just about any other voice I've found online, and I am grateful for your generous gift of time spent evaluating and describing your experiences.  Thank you.

Bagman67 said:
Trevor, I trust your judgments about equipment more than just about any other voice I've found online, and I am grateful for your generous gift of time spent evaluating and describing your experiences.  Thank you.

wow!  That's quite the thing.  You're welcome - and thank you  :occasion14:
Here's some shots:

Not much wider than a guitar neck!


or a foot...


take the side panels off and the bottom just slides out:


a closeup.:


and another shot.  Single sided PCB!  all surface mount though. Here you can see the cool switches - they are surface mount membrane switches that are actuated by plungers via tiny springs!  The box takes all the pressure and the little spring presses the actual switch!  very cool.



seemed to go back together

Nice review, and thanks for that. I'm surprised you were able to get one. It seems nobody has them in stock. Must be pretty popular.

I'm curious if due to its size whether you feel like you might hit the wrong switch from time to time. Also, the weight. Does it feel like you'd kick it around much, or will it more or less stay in place?
It doesn't seem to move around.  Of course I'm using it on carpet.  If it slides at a show I'll just gaff tape it down.

the switches are spaced a reasonable distance apart.  Don't think I'll run into trouble.  Actually, they are set perfectly so I can hit the 'hot' and the 'plexi' at the same time to get out of a hot solo and back into the meat of the song.
Great review on the item. I'm not looking at getting it - I have overkill with 3 amplification/preamp/guitar amp sim systems in my home studio as it is - but I'm appreciative of the time you must have taken to get the review up.  :icon_thumright:
Update!  I can't stop playing this thing.  The hot button with the sans amp is really great.  I also managed to get a quite acceptable sound out of the plexi section, so I could probably use it for a full gig!

Gotta go - back to playing...
Thanks for the review Mayfly! I've been looking for a small, easy solution. Not sure this is it yet...but sounds promising.

I've used this on a couple of gigs now and here's my assessment from a live point of view.

The sans-amp and 'hot' sections are still great!  The delay is still very acceptable!  But the plexi section is not really usable - at least going straight into the PA.  Because of that it's only for the small coffee house gigs I'm afraid.  No big ass screaming solos with this guy.

We had a show this weekend at a local festival with the full band.  I used the AxeFX and looooooved it.  That's still the primary rig  :headbang: