
taking care of ebony

For the most part ebony needs no real care products, its dense stuff.  You can clean it with naphtha or mineral spirits.  Lemon oil is ok to re-oil, but ebony doesn't need much if at all. 
I think it's more dense than maple. :dontknow:

I have an ebony board on my Epiphone. only used oil on it once since 79', and that was more to clean off the crud than anything. I used clarinet bore oil from yamaha. I think those are made of ebony as well.

ya, cause there is some white crud on it. dried sweat maybe? well what should i STAY AWAY from?
bpmorton777 said:
I have an ebony board on my Epiphone. only used oil on it once since 79', and that was more to clean off the crud than anything. I used clarinet bore oil from yamaha. I think those are made of ebony as well.


I was said by a wood seller that clarinets are made with African Blackwood, but not sure if it's ONLY made of it