
Strat neck heel in a Tele neck pocket


Junior Member
First off, I appologize if this has been addressed here before. I tried searching for an answer to this already, but when your search string includes both "strat" and "tele," your results include about 3/4 of the posts on the forum.

I'm aware of the gaps created by putting a neck with a Strat heel shape on a guitar with a Tele-shaped neck pocket. My question is if you have a 22-fret neck, does the fretboard extension cover those gaps so that they're not visible?

Only reason I ask is that I'm looking at doing a Tele project with a showcase body, but I don't want a Tele neck - more specifically, a Tele headstock, which is the only option on a Tele-heeled neck if I don't want to pay up-charges for custom carving. If it was a custom body I'd just pay the $15 and get a Strat pocket and call it good.

Any input appreciated. Thanks.
Yep.  It's all fine.  At least it is on my project which I'm about to finish.  22 fret Strat neck on a La Cabronita tele body.


* Strat® Neck in a Tele® Neck Pocket.
A 22 fret neck's fingerboard overhang
would cover the gap.
Jim, thanks. Just wanted someone to say, "Yep, I've done it."

Sus, that's the pic I was looking at, and it's a 21-fret neck. I just wasn't 100% sure from looking at it if a 22-fret would really cover those gaps or if they'd still peek around the edges.

Thanks guys.
I had a Squier '51 (telecaster neck heel) with a Mighty Mite strat neck on it. Worked just fine!

You know what happens when you marry a Strat neck to a Tele body? WORLDS COLLIDE!
Works fine..... I know of at least 3 employee builds with Strat heels in Tele bodies... one of witch I have coveted over for a couple years....
Cagey said:
You know what happens when you marry a Strat neck to a Tele body? WORLDS COLLIDE![/center]

Don't worry, they won't be married. Just cohabitating.....

Thanks for the input everyone. Now back to saving money to actually make one of these projects happen.....
Ahh. Living in sin, then. Shameful.

But, since you're new here, you should know that most of the time I'm just having fun <grin>