
strat/humbucker tones on a single guitar


Hero Member
i would like to have a guitar which has both single coil and humbucker capabilities - maybe an old sg or one of the japanese sg clones by tokai or greco or burny or even a guild s90 or s100.

would a combination of seymour duncan jb with jazz/59/pearly gates etc with coil split/4 conductor options be effective?

or the new p-rails?

i am looking for regular strat and humbucker tones - p90 is not really a requirement.

or any other options?

appreciate the feedback.
Here's my 2 cents. I've got a duncan Jazz and JB in my maple necked guitar. They are both individually splittable. My trick is that I also have the SSL-1 vintage single coil in the middle position, which I can turn on or off on its own. I get a killer single coil tone by combining the true singlecoil with the split 'buckers. It really kicks a whole lot of butt, but you have to deal with the HSH look.
The Fender Double Fat Strat or Big Apple Strat have two humbuckers yet get some very nice tones. Perhaps you can look at their wiring schemes and get some ideas.
Here is a wiring scheme I use that gives you a couple of Fender type tones with 2 HB's:


No hum either.
I have an old SG that has Duncan Jazz neck and JB bridge with split coils . With the coil tap it makes a decent out of phase tone that comes close to my Strat.  You may not get dead on , but you can get useable.
jb is great for coilsplit, the jazz a bit less. the jazz sounds better parallel.

the prails sound great with any wiring you have. I like them a LOT, they're a match made in heaven with my walnut-les paul. the rio grande bbq/tx sound good coiltapped aswell. the air norton is great aswell, the motherbucker too.

there's a post i did with some clips of my Jazz pickup and my hot noiseless single coils, for comparison...  I think the Jazz sounds very nice split.