
Stolen Guitar: San Francisco


Hero Member
I'm posting this for a friend. Please keep an eye out if you're in SF.


Need help!! A Yellow cab driver in San Francisco drove off with my beloved
1996 FERNANDES Telecaster Guitar, Serial# 025816, in the trunk and the
scumbag NEVER turned it in to lost and found. I'll pay a reward to get it
back, but really want that cab driver burned at the stake for stealing
it...It even has my name written on the back of the headstock.



Ted Perlman

ARGH! Everybody say it with me now: ARGH!

That's mega crappy. I'm nowhere near SF, so there's very little I can do besides hope your friend recovers his axe.
What was the date of the theft?  What color was the guitar?  I'm on SF craigslist constantly and will keep my eyes open.

Disco Scottie said:
San Francisco cab drivers: home of the scammer.
I agree, we need a list of rules before we use a San Fransisco cab to make sure we never get scammed
guys, we could get really out of hand and have a blast with this

but this is a serious subject

even I willholdmytounge as much as I want to ........
Nothing pisses me off more than thieves. Its so cowardly. Stuff like guitars are usually worth solo much more than just a dollar figure to the owner. Hopefully he gets what's coming to him and you get your guitar back. Good luck.
I have to agree, my guitars are worth more in value than any dollar amount. Each one has stories for days behind it.
From what I understand, cab drivers have to call in their pickups and drop-offs. If you could call the cab company and tell them the time you were picked up, where you were picked up, and where you were dropped off they might be able to narrow down the driver. Maybe?
He didn't really steal it, he just immorally kept it.  Maybe he figured if he turned it in to lost and found someone else would just take it, and he's waiting for you to track it down.  You should follow another poster's advice and call the company.

EDIT - assuming he just forgot it in the trunk.  If the guy drove off intentionally to keep him from getting it out of the trunk, cut off his hands.  Or forgive him.  Either way.
Steve_Karl said:
Need help!! A Yellow cab driver in San Francisco drove off with my beloved
1996 FERNANDES Telecaster Guitar, Serial# 025816, in the trunk and the
scumbag NEVER turned it in to lost and found.

No offense... but it was forgotten in the trunk.  For all we know, one of the next fares put stuff in the trunk and made off with his own stuff and the guitar as well.  Maybe not so quick to blame the driver.  It would have to be brought to his attention by another fare, or in his cab at the end of the day to be lost and found material.

Just sayin...
=CB= said:
Steve_Karl said:
Need help!! A Yellow cab driver in San Francisco drove off with my beloved
1996 FERNANDES Telecaster Guitar, Serial# 025816, in the trunk and the
scumbag NEVER turned it in to lost and found.

No offense... but it was forgotten in the trunk.  For all we know, one of the next fares put stuff in the trunk and made off with his own stuff and the guitar as well.  Maybe not so quick to blame the driver.  It would have to be brought to his attention by another fare, or in his cab at the end of the day to be lost and found material.

Just sayin...

Or maybe he's still using it as a jack.  :sign13:

Wait a minute ...

Who said that?  :icon_scratch: