
Stir Crazy


Senior Member
I took a trip down memory lane(I can't say I like that turn of phrase, but I don't hate it) a few(don't quote me it could me anything between 2 and 6 days ago) days ago by watching stir crazy. It is a fantastic film. Why isn't it more famous and come standard issue with all houses? Gene wilder and richard pryor make a great(I am running out of words) pair. I would definatley consider this to be in my top10, 5? favourite films of all time. Is anyone else quite fond of it.
AGWAN said:
When you got Stir Crazy. how many movies do you need? honestly?

Well, if you count "Alien" and "Aliens", then 3 ought to do it.
Don't get the film student started!

Let's start with familiar and move to obscure:

Star Wars
Hot Fuzz
Shaun of the Dead
Godfather (all)
Thin Red Line
Cool Hand Luke
The Graduate
North By Northwest
Rear Window
Hurt Locker
The Dark Knight
Let the Right One In (Let Me In)
Fannie and Alexander
Goodbye Solo (Ramin Bahrani)
Blue (Kieslowski)

Can I just say that Road To Perdition is just about as Perfect as a Movie can get?


Velcro said:
I took a trip down memory lane(I can't say I like that turn of phrase, but I don't hate it) a few(don't quote me it could me anything between 2 and 6 days ago) days ago by watching stir crazy. It is a fantastic film. Why isn't it more famous and come standard issue with all houses? Gene wilder and richard pryor make a great(I am running out of words) pair. I would definatley consider this to be in my top10, 5? favourite films of all time. Is anyone else quite fond of it.

Gee...I dunno....when it came to a Pryor/Wilder duo, I always thought "Hear No Evil, See No Evil" and "Silver Streak" were the best two. That's me though, I guess...