
Steve Jobs Dead

I'm not a fan of Steve Jobs (I don't like the fact that he was a Globalist), however I do respect and admire his achievements.
He was a genius, and an American Success Story.

One of my uncles died of the very same affliction, and he was only 49. Sad indeed.
samgoody said:
 In order for a leader to rally people behind his vision, he/she has to possess some amount of "charisma".  None of these three elements works alone...

This "Charisma" you speak of is not enough for me to accept an acoustic electric guitar with an input jack that will not accommodate the 1/4" plug of a standard sized instrument cable, snugly, and securely (like the way you know how it should fit).

They were playing Pirates of Silicon Valley on TNT today.  It seems like an odd choice given that it totally makes Steve Jobs look like a major d-bag, although I didn't see the whole thing.   