
SS frets with bound necks


Hero Member
I know it's been said a few times here before, But I am truly dying to see this offered.

Does anyone know exactly why it isn't?
Probally just because SS frets are such a pain in the a$$ to work with. I tried doing some work for a friend on his neck with SS frets and like everyone says, they are absolutely wonderful to play, and once you get them perfect they aren't going anywhere, but getting them there is such a PITA.
rapfohl09 said:
Probally just because SS frets are such a pain in the a$$ to work with. I tried doing some work for a friend on his neck with SS frets and like everyone says, they are absolutely wonderful to play, and once you get them perfect they aren't going anywhere, but getting them there is such a PITA.

I'm curious what kind of files you use. I just ordered several diamond files, thinking they'd make it easier. Haven't received them yet, but I'm hoping that'll do the trick.
Just a guess, but I'd wager that the nibblers they make for taking the tang off the fret ends so that they can sit on top of the binding can't handle stainless and that W isn't interested in putting forth the effort to grind those tangs off with files/dremel/the teeth that Jaws had in the James Bond movies/etc.
Damon said:
Just a guess, but I'd wager that the nibblers they make for taking the tang off the fret ends so that they can sit on top of the binding can't handle stainless and that W isn't interested in putting forth the effort to grind those tangs off with files/dremel/the teeth that Jaws had in the James Bond movies/etc.

that is EXACTLY what I have always figured was the reason, because honestly that is the only difference in work none on frets going on a bound neck versus an unbound one. I still wish they would just go ahead and put the SS frets straight thru the binding, at least on light colored binding where it would hardly be noticed anyway. Binding looks good any which way on a neck. (IDK, maybe they would do it this way on special request with their ever-the-same $45 up-charge. Seems to me they could just put the binding on, then put the neck thru whatever process cuts fret slots.)
B3Guy said:
Seems to me they could just put the binding on, then put the neck thru whatever process cuts fret slots.

Be interesting to know if they've tried that. I suspect the fretsaw may tear the binding off at least one side of the neck, though.

In any event, I doubt fret tangs showing through the binding would be well-accepted. The real reason for binding on bodies/necks is to hide construction details. It can be attractive as well, but that's not its primary purpose. So, you wouldn't go through all that trouble to put it on if you couldn't accomplish that end. It'd be like Saran Wrap clothing.  
Cagey said:
In any event, I doubt fret tangs showing through the binding would be well-accepted. 

I know I'm cheesed that some of the fret ends have caused little splits in the binding on my LP, and they're not even poking through. Having had that guitar for a decade, I can say that I don't need another one with neck binding. At least not while I'm living in the desert. There's no way to avoid that fingerboard shrinking a bit, no matter how hard I try.
Cagey said:
It'd be like Saran Wrap clothing.  

A guy walks into a psychiatrist's office covered only in Saran Wrap. He says to the doctor, "I've felt so weird lately, Doc, can you tell me what's wrong?"

The doctor replied, "Well, I can clearly see your nuts!"

See also:

Cagey said:
Oh, stop! My sides! You're killing me! <grin>

I did a google search for "saran wrap clothing" and believe me, there was lots worse that I coulda posted.
No doubt. Hell, what Google filters out of my incoming mail is pretty wild.