Spinal Tapesque album review

Wizard of Wailing

Senior Member
      There's a scene in "This Is Spinal Tap" where they bring up the two word review of Tap's album "Shark Sandwich" which is as follows: S***  Sandwich.  I found the real-life equivalent today in the January 1991 issue of Guitar World.  Regarding the Asia album "Then and Now" the one star review simply states: Bad then, worse now.
    BTW, old guitar mags make for great reading.  The ads alone are good for a laugh.  There's also the Letters to the Editor section which reads exactly like a modern day YouTube comments section.  Some things never change.
I recall when I was married to wife 1.0, we had a yard sale to get rid of some stuff and pick up a couple shekels, and I brought out my stack of old guitar porn and told her, "Fifty bucks for the stack, don't take less."  She had no idea.  So a guy comes along, sees the two-foot stack of magazines, and alerts like a drug dog on a Gremlin full of weed.  "How much?"  She tentatively says, "Fifty dollars for the whole pile?"  Dude whips out the cash and practically soils himself with glee.  Wife looks at me with a "what is wrong with you people?" look on her face, but pockets the dough without complaint.
From The Rolling Stone Album Guide (1992 edition):

1/2* GTR (Arista, 1986)
Pointless, pompous guitar wank-a-rama, featuring Steve Hackett (formerly of Genesis) and Steve Howe (periodically of Yes). Ttl Sht."
I'm sure I once saw an early 90s Kerrang! (probably) review of some Def Leppard single, where they reused the Spiñal Täp review.

Also from the school of reviews far more entertaining* than the actual work:

*probably. I've not heard the album, but then neither had the reviewer.

I've never even heard of EMF outside of electrical engineering acronyms. But, if the law says I have to hate them, then I'm prepared to do just that  :icon_biggrin:
Cagey said:
I've never even heard of EMF outside of electrical engineering acronyms. But, if the law says I have to hate them, then I'm prepared to do just that  :icon_biggrin:
Cagey, recourse to the law is not required. You already hate them, even if you don't know it. Please don't even think about checking them out on Youtube etc. Trust me, it's time you'll never get back.

No offence zebra, I'm not even particularly trashing EMF. I just know they ain't for Cagey.
...Wow, why would this guy even take the time to document that ''story''? I couldn't watch more than 90 seconds of that video because I JUST DON'T CARE!!! Granted, I just woke up an' haven't had coffee yet, so I may be a bit more cranky and intolerant than usual, but still...How does that stuff happen?!? :icon_tongue: