
Speaker upgrade for a Fender Blues Deluxe


Master Member
Any recommendations for a speaker updgrade on a Fender Blues Deluxe (40w, 1x12)?  I'm looking for something pretty versatile, not too harsh on the higher end but not muddy either, with nice warm mids.  Thanks in advance.
hannaugh said:
Any recommendations for a speaker updgrade on a Fender Blues Deluxe (40w, 1x12)?  I'm looking for something pretty versatile, not too harsh on the higher end but not muddy either, with nice warm mids.  Thanks in advance.

Eminence GB12.  My favorite speaker.  Cheap too.
Are you missing a speaker, is the existing one dead/wrecked, or is there something about the one that's in there you don't like?

If the one that's in there is functional, do you know what it is? Brand, model, etc.

The reason I ask is people often think a new speaker will make them happier than replacing the amp. Sometimes that works out, but a lot less often than you might think if you listen too hard to the speaker manufacturers or cork sniffers. Some are happier at first, but that's usually just honeymoon happiness. Later on, they sell the amp, and give a variety of excuses. "It just didn't fit in the mix" or some similar esoteric bullshit.

All that said, I've been pretty happy with the products from WGS (Warehouse Guitar Speakers) and Eminence. WGS makes a lot of Celestion clones, and Eminence makes the Delta Pro 12A, which is a dead-nuts replacement for the EVM 12L, a highly-regarded guitar speaker among pro guitar and bass players both. Celestion's designs speak for themselves, but that Delta Pro is a real piece of work. I used to use the EVM 12Ls for everything I could, as they're relatively flat (for a 12" speaker) and can take more abuse then anything else on the market. You can burn up an amp easier than one of those speakers. But, they're expensive as sin and Eminence is eating their lunch on that design these days. Same specs, same sound, half the price. The only way I'd say not to use one of them is if you're counting on the speaker to do something to/for your sound. They won't. All you hear is everything from the amp back.

That's a Good Thing, by the way.
There are a lot of clones of the Vintage 30 celestion model.  It is one for more mid growl than spanky clean.  I would avoid the celestions because of the price is outrageous.  I have a couple of WGS speakers (Vintage 30 clones as a matter of fact) and they are very nice for the price.  I have wanted to try out one of Webers "Grey Wolf" line.  It is supposedly a Vintage 30 but a bit more modern.  More bass I would guess.

You might want to check out the Carvin GT12. Very versatile with good mids and balanced top end and bottom. I got the S2x12 from them with my Legacy 3 and really like them.
I'm just trying to get the best sound I can out of it.  This particular Blues Deluxe is 20 years old.  It was used and gigged with A LOT before I bought it.  It came with a "Fender Special Design by Eminence" speaker installed.  It sounds okay, but I think I can do better.  It seems like it is just a little bit harsh and honky/microphonic sounding to me on louder volumes on the clean channel, which some people like, but it just ain't my bag, baby.  Then if I have it on the overdrive channel, the bottom end seems kind of soft and mushy when I'm playing chords, which seems kind of contradictory to the other problem I was having.  :dontknow:  The warm mids I like are there, but it doesn't seem all that balanced. 

I already replaced the tubes when I first got it (a huge upgrade in the sound, I am so glad I did that), and I've been thinking about replacing the speaker and putting in audio taper pots for a while now. 

I mean don't get me wrong, in general I'm very happy with this amp, but you know how it is when you think you could make it better...  :laughing7:  I'm just fine tuning here. 
The other nice thing about the Celestion speakers is, there are a lot of them out there.  If you know of anyone that has an amp/cab with one in it, it is an easy job to try it in yours.  It'll take an afternoon, but you get to kick the tires first.

I can remember Fender putting out some Limited Edition combo amps, highlighting the Eminence Cannabis Rex speaker as a deluxe addition. That was for the Blues Junior style combos though.
In any case, the Cannabis Rex's do seem to enjoy some decent rep. They are rated at 50w, seem to be quite a match for combo amp setups.
Here's some vids & info about them if you are interested.

A lot of speakers will colour your tone and add to the total sound of the guitar/amp setup.

I agree with Cagey's comments above about the EV type speaker, they do not colour the tone & merely translate what the guitar and amp section have done into the output. Simply put, the EV type speaker doesn't get all distorted -  it just doesn't flinch! So a good Eminence 'clone' of the old EV speaker will be a clear component in your signal chain. Most combo amps do rely on the speaker to add some colour so I'm not sure if that type of clear transparent speaker is the way to go. Your choice though.
Okay guys thanks for all the info.  I think I might go with a WGS.  I'll probably get a Retro 30 or Veteran 30.  The Veteran 30 seems to be pretty similar to the Celestion Vintage 30 but with a little more bottom end, from what I heard on some youtube shootouts, and it's hard to beat that price difference.
That is what I did for one of my Marshall cabs, I couldn't justify paying twice as much.  I have enjoyed the way that cab sounds after the switch.  Good deal.

That MG 412 cab I picked up, the plan is to turn from an undersized 412 into a roomy 212 thanks to WGS and MDF. i THOUGHT I wanted some kind of greenback clone, because I'm looking for this raunchy mid timbre, but from what I've heard online, there are others by WGS that I think I like better. I still want that upper mid character, but I also need the lower mid thunk. I swear I've heard the sound a million times but I can't really think of a good example. Something that captures old school "was considered high gain Marshall back in the day" chirp plus a nice woody cabinet resonance.
I cannot say enough about the Cannabis Rex from Eminence.  I replaced the Fender Special Design in my Blues Jr with one and it was a welcome change.  It's a very "smooth" speaker with good lows.  Eminence has a great library of audio samples for each of the speakers at their website.  I'd check it out.