
Somebody stop me!!!


Junior Member

My name is Gilmore and i´m a guitaraholic.......

Well I discovered Warmoth 2 months ago when I was thinking of bying StewMac parts, but something brought me to Warmoth in my research.

I already have 12 quality guitars, but I never thought of getting a custom guitar becuase I always thought it would be alot more expensive than it is. After just 2 days browsing the site and trying the custom builders I just had to have one, and made purchase, custom build Strat body and neck and all the hardware.

But yesterday I just could´nt help myself and ordered a Tele body and neck from the Showcase, and my other order isn´t even due for at least a month.

So I just look forward to start on the projects and I will be posting the progress on the forums, when the parts start to come in. :)

Hi - welcome.

We won't stop you. We can't stop ourselves.  :redflag:

But it is the best addiction out there. So enjoy.  :icon_biggrin:
Yeah, stop you? I think you've misunderstood the purpose of this board :icon_biggrin:
Just kidding of course. :)

I was just settling on having enough guitars, when I discovered this new world of custom guitars. So there is no stoping for now.  :guitaristgif:
Nothing but enablers around here - sorry but you're pretty much screwed  :laughing3:
Bought my first body last week. Couldn't pass up a 7/8 Tele from the Showcase..........frantically selling gear to keep the better half happy :o

So many options, parts,colors, wants, needs, etc etc.......... :help:
Gilmore said:
Just kidding of course. :)

I was just settling on having enough guitars, when I discovered this new world of custom guitars. So there is no stoping for now.  :guitaristgif:

But look on the bright side: now you can sell the factory/brand name stuff that isn't exactly what you want!  . . . so you can finance more custom Warmoths!
Apparently you didn't get the memo about this place...  Not only will you be able to get just about any of those odd ball ideas in your head, the choices for pickups, nuts, necks, tuners, pickup covers, trems, materials for trems, truss rods, magnets for tuners, caps, pots, shielding options, input jacks, ferrules, and of course pick guard screws have been discussed so that you can try the different options.  Because, you know, knowledge is power.

Asking a Warmoth builder about their guitar(s) is alot like asking a Reformed Christian "How did you find Jesus?" or a brewer about their brewery or a british-car-guy if they have  ever broken down. I have all of these particular afflictions except the Jesus one. I could go on and on about any of these. Nothing personal to any Christians. It's just not for me. Guitars, beer and speedy old british sports cars...yeah. Just not all three at the same time.
I'm sorry to say, but it might get a lot worse if you complete your first builds and they turn out too good.
Who you should feel bad for are your other 12 guitars - cause they won't be getting much love in a few months.  Once you get YOUR guitar in your hands factory guitars just won't feel the same ever again.  Welcome to the madness!
I won´t sell any of my current guitars...they are all gems, I´ve sold off many others that I didn´t like.

Still I know those Warmoths will be pretty special. I also don´t have any guitars like them in my collection, I´ve never owned a Telecaster, and the Strat I´m building has Les Paul elements but in a Strat body. :)

Look forward to post some pictures. The Tele parts should arrive in this month, I expect the custom build to arrive beginning of September, hopefully a little sooner.

How can I stop you  :icon_scratch:  .... I can't stop myself  :laughing7:  looking forward to some pic's  :toothy10:
As I quoted above ….

Uuuummm lets see … I have so far this year done.
#1 Strat the 'Cigar' GK-3 (completed)
#2 V shape (completed, but will probably sell neck & body)
#3 Strat the 'Flame' (almost complete)
#4 Firebird the 'Emubird' (in process)
#5 Strat top route, still deciding neck (thought went walk-a-about) but still at toy factory.

And wait for it  :toothy10: ……

Just bought #6 a Strat rear rout & my 1st Raw Neck …. Pau Ferro with ?? fretboard, yes ss frets… Can't give to much away just yet  :cool01:

:icon_scratch:  Think I better stop looking at there showcase for a while  :laughing7:


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