Interstate Joe said:
line6man said:
Yep, it's to ground the bridge.
Modern basses usually have a channel routed under the bridge to the control cavity to allow you to ground the bridge, but that's how it was done in the olden days.
I always burst out laughing whenever I see someone do a bass like that though. It just looks so stupid! For the love of God, what is the appeal of having an ugly copper strip on your bass? :icon_scratch:
It makes sense if you don't have a drill bit that can reach from the bridge to the control cavity. It can also add just a bit more vintage vibe, it that's what you're going for. Personally I think a bass looks silly without frets, but to each their own. :laughing7:
It's fine if you are actually going for a full on vintage vibe, like the Jaco replica in the TalkBass thread, but the red bass that JaySwear posted had a BAII bridge. That's about as vintage as you can get! :tard:
The copper strip isn't even centered properly. :sad:
There is absolutely no excuse for not having the wire cavity drilled out. If you buy a Warmoth or any other parts body, it will already be drilled for it. Not very many people build their own Jazz/Precision bodies when they can buy parts bodies, unless they are professional luthiers that have all sorts of tools/drill bits on hand.
Personally, I would rather have no ground at all and deal with the noise than to have an ugly ground strip like that! :sad:
I'm guessing you're not too keen on uprights, violins, cellos, shamisens, sarods, etc..?
Leo only put frets on his bass to make it easy to play.