
SoMe PeOpLe ShOuLd StAy AwAy FrOm YoU tUbE!!! (this could be Gay Parades LOL)

when the video started i thought the dancing would be funny. then he started singing and i literally felt bad that i was even watching this :laughing7: like somebody had stolen it off his computer and it wasn't supposed to ever be uploaded or something. WOW is all i can say
I don't know why but I feel like it's the kind of guy that would audition for [Country name] Idol or [Country name]'s Got Talent and yell at the judges because he gets kicked out after 5 seconds
Um, that was few minutes of my life I won't get back. Thanx! :laughing7:

Just proves the argument about the exclusiveness of recording studios and TV/radio studios acting as a talent filter. Maybe it's time to start charging for uploads (j/k) ?
Snap and twirl!


"Throw out your hands, stick out your tush, hands on your hips, give 'em a push!"
