
smallest bodies to make a travel guitar?


Master Member
Recently I've had travel guitars on my mind - I'm taking two trips this summer, one to Colombia for two weeks, the other to Oregon and then Mexico for two weeks. (yes, lucky me! Some of it is work, though). Next year I'll be traveling as much or more too.
My problem is: nearly all the travel guitars out there are small enough to go in an overhead bin. But as we know, that means you'll need to check the rest of your luggage, usually at $30 each way. At eight unique flights, that's $240 this summer in bag fees to be avoided, and anyhow I ALWAYS try to travel with just one carry-on size bag to avoid hassles. So, what I'm thinking is - is there a travel guitar out there small enough to go IN my carry-on luggage with the rest of my stuff?

My thoughts: What about a small light, simple warmoth with neck bolt inserts, so the neck can be taken off and bolted on backwards and upside down, then fit the whole "real guitar" in the bag. A pack of strings is cheap, the guitar could be gig-worthy and light, throw in a gig bag and take to open jams etc. In other words, a worthy guitar that can be disassembled for airplanes, instead of a weird, cheap guitar that I would only use traveling.

So - 7/8 scale tele? or an LP flat top deluxe, musiclander, or mustang?   Has anyone done up a guitar with traveling in mind?
how's about a no frills slab from the body blank, slimmed down a lot, with a gotoh 510 at the butt & 24 3/4" scale?
a 3x3 headstock should save a little room over a 6 in line.
Where and when are you gonna be in Oregon?

How about building your own Micro guitar from scratch.  If you built a guitar with a 15-20 inch scale length for example, would you even need a truss rod?

And how short of a scale length is too short?  You got my wheels spinning now, of course their spinning in place and smoke is rolling off........
Get a neck through blank from Carvin, work out some kind of foldable horn for a strap button.
Well, remember I don't have many power tools, or a garage. At this point, wipe-on finishing is about all I can handle. The basic issue is the whole thing needs to be about 24" or less, to fit into a basic duffle bag or this old camping backpack I use that has been carried on to flights all over the place, that's why a removable neck might be more useful than a tiny size overall - I don't really need much stuff when I travel. I may just end up bringing the harmonicas and "harps for dummies" book.

Alf, I'll be in Oregon August 9 - 19. I'll be staying mostly with my folks, they live just south of Wilsonville. Want to jam? If I remember, you are in Tualatin, right?
wow what a memory, yes tualatin it is, just south of wilsonville is canby, and....oh i forget.

I wouldn't mind hookin up at all, will work out details as it gets closer.  TroubledTreble (Ken) lives just north of me about 5 miles. I bet he'd love to meet with us as well and show off his RoadHouse pups. ( I gotta get a set of those soon)

Anyone else in the portland area would be welcome to join too,
Sounds great, I'll give you a shout closer to the date. Microbews and warmoths and Oregon summer -  :icon_thumright:
Did someone say beer?!

Hey, it would be great to meet up even without guitars. I  hope we have summer by the time you get here..

Aren't you originally from the Corvallis area?

Turbo, where in Oregon will you be?
We're flying into Portland, but the reason for the trip besides a vacation and to get out of the TX heat in July is for my wife and mother-in-law to go to a Quilt Show (not maple) in Sisters, OR.  Other than that, we spend the week going to breweries, wineries, and anything we want.  We'll probably check out Mt. Hood and the Spruce Goose again.  It's the 3rd time we will have been.  My wife and I went the 1st time in '05 for our anniversary.  I'd never been to the West Coast and refused to go to California, still do.  Everytime we go, we swear we're going to move there.  I can't get used to not pumping my own gas though. 
Hey, no "Gas Hands" , gotta like that. Reason enough to move.. :laughing7:

Certainly no heat here right now. Very mild so far. Sounds like a good itinerary. The Blues Festival down on the waterfront will be going on when you first get here. Don't even need a ticket. Just go down and sit by the water and listen.  If you need any other suggestions for things to do I'm sure Alf and I could toss a few your way.

Look me up if you need a guide to the breweries.  :icon_thumright:
TroubledTreble said:
Hey, no "Gas Hands" , gotta like that. Reason enough to move.. :laughing7:

The 1st time I didn't know any better and the attendant almost knocked me over to get the nozel out of my hand until he realised it was a rental car, at which point he was confused as to why anyone would vacation there.  What is tipping etiquette with that?
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Everytime we go, we swear we're going to move there. 

I could totally move there!! great memories, beaches, sea lion caves, whale watching boat trip, mt hood, some crazy high waterfall somewhere along the Columbia river, oh and we accidentally ended up in the middle of some gay pride parade in Portland..  great times!
No tipping at the gas pump. When I first moved here I wanted to tip too but it just isn't done. Just a nice 'Thank you!" will do fine. I usually end up chatting with the attendant whilst filling up. Some very interesting stories I have heard at the pump...

I've been to the sea lion caves. Very smelly! Multnomah Falls in the gorge is always a good stop for a stretch of the legs. There is a great hike that takes you up the little river that feeds that.


I think we've hijacked tfarny's post enough for now. We need to get him a guitar built! I think there are some traveler guitar kits available. I'll have to remember where I saw them..
You guys are classic. I grew up in Canby, actually. I go back every chance I get. If I had the chance to live there again I would go in a heartbeat.
My favorite Grateful Dead Concert was recorded in Oregon:



Some of the Dark Stars of '73 and '74 were even weirder, but none were so dangerous. :evil4:
This is "hijack Tim's threads week, or what?"  :icon_jokercolor:

I'm going for this little guy (Hofner shorty). I looked around the office, and I have all the spare parts to make it decent as long as the neck and frets are ok. It's a bolt-on, and if it goes on and off a dozen times before stripping out, it will have been well worth it. I'll bring my laptop anyhow, and then I'll just use my toneport and have a full multi-tracking studio in my one carry-on.

