
Simple strat for first time build...


Hero Member
Ok guys, here's what I was thinking for a first time build idea.  Please excuse two things:  My love for white guitars and gold hardware :P  and my prewired pickups, I don't wanna get into pickup wiring just yet.

Standard strat - top routed in the standard strat S-S-S configuration
Solid Maple body
Contoured Heel
routed for 6-hole trem
Alpine White finish

Warmoth pro 25 1/2" straight strat
Maple neck w/either Macassar Ebony, Kingwood, or Jet Black ebony (still debating on fingerboard wood)
Abalone dots
61GD frets
1 11/16" nut width
Precut and installed graphite nut
Fat back contour
Satin neck finish, peghead finished to match body

EMG David Gilmour prewired pickguard
Gold 6 hole vintage trem
Gold Schaller mini locking tuners and strap locks
Gold recessed top jack
Thinkin on some sort of threaded neck insert kit too...  Onyx Forge Guitars sells a pretty good kit.

Whaddya think?  Comments?  Any and all input would be appreciated, thanks guys!
Contoured heel and threaded inserts might make a "kit" a problem (different depths at the heel) Other than that it sounds great.
Scuttlefunk has a very informative post on threaded inserts.
White guitars are cool so is gold hardware so you don't need to excuse yourself.
Is that gold fretwire? Better hurry with the order 'cos I think it might be running out.
Hard maple is a pretty heavy body wood. I would love to know how it sounds !!

I reckon your first time build idea is a beauty, good luck with it and keep us posted :icon_thumright:
Contoured heel and threaded inserts might make a "kit" a problem (different depths at the heel) Other than that it sounds great.

Good point... I didn't think of that.  I might just forgo the contoured heel then, and try the neck inserts that way.  Thanks :)  And I'll definitely keep ya posted once I get the funds together!
Solid maple for a body.... :icon_scratch:

Not seen that before. Why not use alder?

Other than that looks like a sweet build.  :occasion14:
Zinc alloy neck inserts?


Skuttlefunk doesn't even like brass, mebbe e-mail him before you fly.

Ted said:
Solid maple for a body.... :icon_scratch:

Not seen that before. Why not use alder?
willyk said:
Hard maple is a pretty heavy body wood. I would love to know how it sounds !!

I've always leaned towards the heavier bodies...  I have a Gibson Xplorer Voodoo (Swamp Ash body, mahogany neck, ebony board) and it's pretty hefty...  Hafta weigh it one of these days.  But yeah, I've also loved a brighter sound, and Maple seemed to be the right combination I'm looking for (heavy/bright) so we'll see how it goes.  I think I'm also gonna go for the macassar ebony fretboard, just for an added touch of class.  I've never played any kinds of exotic woods before, so I think it'll be interesting to see.

Thanks for the input guys! :occasion14:
Just my 2c worth here..

I got a maple body for a Jazzmaster project. Reason was that I wanted a body that was neutral and allowing as much sustain to get through. The neck config. was maple and ebony, that also helped too. The guitar weighs as much, if not more than, the Japanese made P-Bass I own - but JM bodies are much bigger in dimensions than Strats. Nonetheless, it is HEAVY.

I have EMG dual pickups(89s) and EQ circuits. The idea is/was to have as much neutrality but some help with sustain from the body and neck woods, and let the electronics work with as little colouration as possible.

When I found I had troubles fitting all the circuitry in, and the dual battery box (running 18v for dynamic headroom), I put in some mini humbuckers.

Unfortunately, the mini hums had no colouration with this sort of combo and sounded very sterile and thinnish. Tried a Dimarzio Super 2 I had hanging around, and it too, sounded thinner than it's usual beastly self.

I'm still working on this thing a few years later, due to the complexity of the circuitry that I have to design and then put into practice and the limitations of the body routes. I also want to use retro styling on this guitar and use components that look like they're from the JM or Jag (slide switches). It's taken a back seat for quite a while, but you should avoid all that with a pre wired pickguard and the Strat body.

By having a maple body, you may end up promoting a lot more highs than you bargained for and end up with the Strat sc pickups sounded thin and trebly.

I think if you are going to keep on using the DG EMG prewired set, you will probably be able to get the strat sound you want using the EXG and SPC EQs (that's what I have). The instrument will sing with sustain, and that may require some careful controlling. But be aware that should you want to change over to passive pickups and particularly use single coil pickups, that the body and neck woods will be quite sterile as I've described.
OzziePete said:
By having a maple body, you may end up promoting a lot more highs than you bargained for and end up with the Strat sc pickups sounded thin and trebly.

If you are shooting for the typcial strat sound, Alder plays a part in that sound. Maple bodies may thin out the single coils, and introduce a more treblier tone than you want.

I'm not too worried about the treble, for two reasons, mainly.

First of all, I generally like a bright, trebly tone.  Not everybody's cup o' tea, but just the way I am I guess :)

Secondly, I have heard that the EMG's tend to be warmer and more even than traditional strat coils.  Again, I'm not an expert by any means, and I know EMG's aren't for everybody either, but if anything, the pre-wired David Gilmour pickguard will make installation easier for my first build.  Incidentally I have heard of trouble with fitting batteries in as well, but according to the online wiring plans and installation instructions from the EMG website, the battery will fit (albeit barely) inside a standard rout.  I'm opting against the dual battery, because apparently it really isn't necessary.

But thanks for the opinions, I really do appreciate them (even though it sounds like I'm ignoring them, lol)

I guess my main choice for maple was the weight.  I tend to lean towards heftier guitars, and the sustain in the heavier guitars is generally beastly ;)
Weight is not necessarily the contributing factor determining sustain. This 3 pound 10 ounce alder hollow Tele with the black korina top that I just got done with sustains more than ANY guitar I ever played. Absolutely insane the way this booger sustains.
Bill in SC
Bill in SC said:
Weight is not necessarily the contributing factor determining sustain. This 3 pound 10 ounce alder hollow Tele with the black korina top that I just got done with sustains more than ANY guitar I ever played. Absolutely insane the way this booger sustains.
Bill in SC

Yes I have heard great things about the hollow bodies as well, the chambers just seem to make them resonate.  I might try that once I get a guitar or two under my belt ;)
Ted said:
Solid maple for a body.... :icon_scratch:

Not seen that before. Why not use alder?

Other than that looks like a sweet build.  :occasion14:

Go with the maple George Lynch style :party07:
WarmothRules said:
Go with the maple George Lynch style :party07:

That's the plan...  Now for some funds...  THAT's the hard part lol  I keep thinkin of selling one of my guitars, but I just don't think I could :dontknow: