
Side Dots on a fretless guitar


Hero Member
I'm in the process of having the frets taken out of one of my guitars. Since I'm not familiar with fretless guitars, I'm wondering where the side dots should be? Surely having them in the same place as a regular guitar wouldn't make sense. Perhaps moving them donw to the point that when you place your finger on the neck, it's between the side dots & therefore in the correct pitch?
If you're having frets removed, I assume you'll end up with a visible line on the board after it's filled in by whatever. I would use those lines to tell me where to fret, and keep the dots are they are. Unless you're planning to have a board with no lines at all, which in that case you is a crazy foo'!
Disco Scottie said:
If you're having frets removed, I assume you'll end up with a visible line on the board after it's filled in by whatever. I would use those lines to tell me where to fret, and keep the dots are they are. Unless you're planning to have a board with no lines at all, which in that case you is a crazy foo'!
Fill them with super glue/contrasting wood dust.
A lot of people have a really hard time switching between lined and unlined because of the difference in side dot locations.
If you don't intend to play the guitar exclusively, I would recommend you keep the dots in their standard location between the fretlines as opposed to moving them to the fret locations. This will limit the hassle.