
Showcase Tele bodies with different bridges


Junior Member
I would like to see Showcase Tele bodies either not drilled for bridges or drilled for something other than a tele bridge.  It would be nice to have the options of a strat style hard tail and a humbucker in the bridge.  Or, leave them blank for the buyers choosing.
Jackson56 said:
I would like to see Showcase Tele bodies either not drilled for bridges or drilled for something other than a tele bridge.  It would be nice to have the options of a strat style hard tail and a humbucker in the bridge.  Or, leave them blank for the buyers choosing.

I'll tell you what grinds my gears when looking at the showcase other than the lack of leftys................  You look at an awesome strat body and you are a hardtail guy and it has that damn jacuzzi routed in the back for the trem springs and the large vag|na for the trem in the guitar.  I don't look at the finished stuff as something I would consider purchasing and I'm not talking about finished bodies.  I'm talking about unfinished examples.  I mean if they offer different PU routs, why not leave the bridge routs un-done in the showcase, furthermore, why not just leave the unfinished bodies un-routed so you don't have to settle for some 'standard' routs. 

Another example to my point is that all the WGD bodies in the showcase that are routed for an angled neck and a standard TOM and tailpiece.......  What if you want a WGD with a recessed TOM?  Yep, you have to custom order it, and pay the extra premium and wait the 8 weeks, when they could have just as easily not destroyed those bodies by not drilling the stud mounting holes.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Another "Why doesn't the showcase have what I want thread?"

Yes, another Another "Why doesn't the showcase have what I want thread?".  But I would think that Warmoth is losing out on a lot of potential sales.  I would guess a lot of potential buyers are like me, where they are not going to pay $500+ for a custom body, when the same body is sitting in the Showcase, but with a different bridge route.  You can add pickups or change a single coil to a humbucker, but you can't easily fix a bridge route.
I've scratch ordered 3 necks and 3 bodies.  I think there's really nothing that custom about them, yet I've never seen them reproduced in the showcase.  Close but no cigar several times.  A scratch build may take about 3 months at the longest and some guys will spend 6 months picking through the showcase to find something similar with one or a few details differing that they can live with to save maybe 10%.  For me the showcase is there to satisfy the impulse buy, mainly because it's too cheap to pass up or there's an option that's not available through a scratch build.  It's also a good shopper for what finishes look like on which woods. 

The "if they only offered _______" or made what I want, they sell more more stuff, I ain't buyin' that for a second.  It's no different than the drunk at the bar telling the cover band that their band would be so much better if they played ________ by their favorite band.

And to BB, why don't they have more bridge options for lefthanded WGD bodies in the showcase?  Because it's a lefthanded WGD body I would guess.  That's a small percentage of an even smaller percentage.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
And to BB, why don't they have more bridge options for lefthanded WGD bodies in the showcase?  Because it's a lefthanded WGD body I would guess.  That's a small percentage of an even smaller percentage.

I wasn't even talking about anything left handed in this thread.  Look at the showcase WGD bodies..... they all have the same specs......  Drilled for a TOM and tailpiece and an angled neck.  There are NO other options available in bridge choices for showcase WGD's, and some of those bodies have been in the showcase for a long time.  I just think that they shouldn't have drilled all 5 or 6 of those bodies the same way.
Good point, my bad.  But why do you care about options on guitars you wouldn't even consider buying?

I scour through the showcase all the time.  I'm a Fender guy but not a trem guy.  I'm always on the lookout for a hardtail Strat.  I'll see a Strat I like, and it's a trem.  I'll see a hardtail, but not like the finish or the top.  It is has both, it's not chambered.  It's always something.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Good point, my bad.  But why do you care about options on guitars you wouldn't even consider buying?

I scour through the showcase all the time.  I'm a Fender guy but not a trem guy.  I'm always on the lookout for a hardtail Strat.  I'll see a Strat I like, and it's a trem.  I'll see a hardtail, but not like the finish or the top.  It is has both, it's not chambered.  It's always something.

It's not that I honestly give a shit about it....... just one of the places in the showcase that I gravitate to, so I know what they have.  They have some nice cocobolo topped Jerrycasters in there now....... sometimes I wish I was right handed!  Too bad they wouldn't do a hippie sandwich body blank.
I get that the showcase items are pre-routed for what they believe will sell (and I would expect that they know what they're doing in this respect).

But, particularly for the lower volume, non-traditional shapes like the WGD, or less-common exotic wood traditional shapes, I'd think it would make more sense to leave more options open. I can't say how many showcase bodies I might have been really, really tempted to put on my credit card, if only they weren't pre-routed completely the wrong way for me.

And the only reason I built my rosewood 12-string tele is the fact that they had a beautiful, completely un-routed rosewood tele body in the showcase. Any routing of that body would have ruined it for my purpose.

There are always tons of flame and quilt top strats/teles in the showcase, and they can be pre-routed however. But cocobolo or koa, or other exotic topped bodies, and WGD, Iceman, Explorer, V, Z, etc. bodies should have (at least) the bridge and PU's un-routed.
Agreed, I would never in a million years put a tailpiece on an Iceman, or the switch near the top

I'm shopping for an Iceman, not an iceman shaped Les Paul.

When I do my Iceman, it will more or less be done like a Rear Route tele, with a string through or a Strat Style hipshot bridge.

with everything simple and where I want it.