
Show us your tattoos

That could get graphic.....  :laughing7:

We don't have enough room for me to post mine haha

Where's yours?
Mine is just in my mind yet. I'm thinking about getting "memento mori" tattooed on one of my arms.

something like this - but alot cleaner, with just the words.
As they say elsewhere, all you really know about someone you've never met when you see a tattoo is that they have low self-esteem, and at some point had enough money to deface themselves in a permanent and self-destructive manner. I saw an index/chart along with a brief article one time...


that pretty much nailed the whole tattoo thing. Very sarcastic, and in fact the link takes you to a humor site, but don't be dismissive of the source. Much of what makes it funny is how true it is while so many aren't aware of how bad they look or what they're inadvertently saying to the world.

I had a couple great uncles that were in the navy that had the obligatory anchors on their arms.
Some reason it doesn't seem the same if you were in WWII.
I always suggest getting your own name tattooed, upside down, on your belly. That way when you're 80 in a nursing home with alzheimer's, it will have stretched enough that you can read it without your glasses.

There are few things permanent enough to mark on your body. Even for death-do-us-part'ers - I know a number of gals widowed in their 20's and 30's and since remarried. Kids? I'm sure Jeffery Dahmer's mom would cherish that one.
Love the chart Cagey, it's pretty darn accurate. I have about 12 that are mostly hidden from view. Most of mine are family oriented ( wife, kids, late Brother etc.). Working in the trades, mine have never been an issue but your absolutely right about employment opportunities with ink in the "Red zone". Simple fact is that some people do look at you different. I cover mine at formal functions when needed. Hell, I'm closing in on 50 yrs old and I cover them up when I visit my Mom 'cause I know she does'nt like them. As far as the retirement home goes, I have one I got 31 yrs ago that said "Mark" but now it has faded and distorted into "Mork", so I'll probably need a name tag to identify myself.
jwl68th said:
late Brother

Ok, now we're getting somewhere. And sorry about your brother.

As far as the retirement home goes, I have one I got 31 yrs ago that said "Mark" but now it has faded and distorted into "Mork", so I'll probably need a name tag to identify myself.

Nanu Nanu
I have a friend who has a brain tattooed on his head, yes the whole head.  Its a 3D tattoo, he actually always carries around those red and green 3D glasses in case you want to check it out in 3D. 

I don't think he pays taxes.
that chart is so funny
I guess I am socially acceptable, cause that is the only place I ever considered and took  long time to get.
the princess one is correct, problem is when you are 50 they are not cute, and you see a lot of that
buy me a drink, you know I love that, I have always said that a tattoo there is not one you can show off easily and anyone looking at it is pounding his point home and in a few seconds will not be interested anymore
Back tattoos, nails that trend for medieval portraits. Never thought of that and the ones about Jail and taxes,  right on, I love that
Now I am not anti Tattoo, I just think you need to think hard before getting one, it is not going to go away so you better like it
I know a guy who got Bart Simpson on the back of his head. Give me a break. Also getting stylish ones go out of style, You need to get a more classic design that you do not need to explain in 20 years.
I think the Tattoo thing is not a trend, it has grown every year since sailors first saw the Polynesians and brought the ideas back, and I think will continue to grow, And I find it is actually more socially acceptable every year. Too many people have them for the stigma to last much longer.
It is just the individual Tat that draws the criticism now.
I saw this guy sitting in front of me at a small festival I was at. 
I think he's stupid, but at the same time, a genius!

Jusatele said:
I think the Tattoo thing is not a trend, it has grown every year since sailors first saw the Polynesians and brought the ideas back, and I think will continue to grow, And I find it is actually more socially acceptable every year. Too many people have them for the stigma to last much longer.

Actually, what you describe is the very definition of a trend (a general course or direction). I think the word you might have been looking for is "fad" (a short-term increase in popularity). It's splitting hairs, because fads also trend, but there's a trend up followed by a trend down, typically over a short period of time. You see it in clothing fashions all the time. With the tattoos, it's as you say: the number of people defacing their bodies is consistently increasing. But, I don't know that it'll ever be socially acceptable in a general way. It'll be like being gay/lesbian/bi - you won't be ostracized like you used to be, but you're still going to be locked out of the majority of opportunities and social groups. It just says too much about your emotional/intellectual stability, and none of it positive.
You know, it just occured to me, the fact that we're having this discussion on a FREAKING MUSIC FORUM speaks volumes about their acceptance in the wider population.
swarfrat said:
You know, it just occured to me, the fact that we're having this discussion on a FREAKING MUSIC FORUM speaks volumes about their acceptance in the wider population.
I don't know, Musicians seem to be more accepting of things like tats, more of an art form and such.
I do think that musicians having tats was part of the influence on the public that increased the growing trend.

Cagey, I think Fad was the word I was looking for, but I do not think the general blanket statement about mental stability you make is valid, more of a personal view. I see more and more guys with tats in places I thought no one in that position would have. Maybe that is a California thing but the trend goes on. I think as this generation moves on the social norms are effected by it's experiences. And Tats are part of that. What we thought of tats in the 50s and what we will think in the 2050s will be light years apart.
I do agree with the chart, I think people need to sign a waver before a tattoo and have to think about it for a month or so as too many guys and gals have tattoos they regret later in life, but as far as what we consider norms, those are opinions, and look at fashion, when I was a child you wore shorts to the beach or in the back yard, Now I see cops having them as part of a uniform. What gives with that?
swarfrat said:
You know, it just occured to me, the fact that we're having this discussion on a FREAKING MUSIC FORUM speaks volumes about their acceptance in the wider population.

I don't know. I've seen the conversation take place more than once on technical forums where very few of the participants would ever even consider getting a tattoo. Usually, it starts when somebody wants to make fun of somebody who's applied for a job as an programmer/engineer/technician. Their chances of being hired are usually pretty low. The thinking usually goes something like "If somebody doesn't have any respect for their own body, it's unlikely they can be trusted with anything external to themselves." Many of those kinds of jobs involve the use of or responsibility for some pretty high-value equipment/secrets/contracts/performance/reputations/etc.
Cagey said:
swarfrat said:
You know, it just occured to me, the fact that we're having this discussion on a FREAKING MUSIC FORUM speaks volumes about their acceptance in the wider population.

I don't know. I've seen the conversation take place more than once on technical forums where very few of the participants would ever even consider getting a tattoo. Usually, it starts when somebody wants to make fun of somebody who's applied for a job as an programmer/engineer/technician. Their chances of being hired are usually pretty low. The thinking usually goes something like "If somebody doesn't have any respect for their own body, it's unlikely they can be trusted with anything external to themselves." Many of those kinds of jobs involve the use of or responsibility for some pretty high-value equipment/secrets/contracts/performance/reputations/etc.
Now that is funny, My brother works for Raytheon, in the government area, most of the stuff he does is with missiles and stuff and he cannot discuss it. So I have met quite a few guys from there, and I have seen a quite a few tats, No not the ones like up the forearm or on the neck, but in the socially acceptable type, trust me no one seems to mind, Like I said it must be a California thing.
Jusatele said:
Cagey, I think Fad was the word I was looking for, but I do not think the general blanket statement about mental stability you make is valid, more of a personal view.

I didn't mean to imply a mental/emotional instability like a Hannibal Lector/David Koresh/Charles Manson sort of insane, but more along the lines of a general tendency to make poor choices or bad decisions like many teenagers and early twenty-somethings are wont to do. It's a maturity thing, where early on a lot of actions are hip shots rather than carefully considered moves.
I got my tats later in life, when I was a teen I never got one because I never had a idea I could live with for the rest of my life
now did I get suddenly immature?