
Shielding wire questions

Alright so I am getting ready to wire up my guitar and i have a few questions. I am using the schematic below. So far from my understanding I should use copper plate on the pickguard but don't worry about the cavity because it makes no difference. Also I keep reading to use shielded wire but I am unsure where. It does not look like the humbuckers come with shielded wiring so I guess do I just use it on all the ground wire and any added wire and also what is a good brand and place to obtain this wire??


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Some foil on the pickguard is a Good Thing, but it doesn't need to cover the whole part. Just the area around the pots is good enough. Doesn't shield anything, but it prevents static buildup.

It would be a very unusual humbucker that doesn't have shielded cable. Older units usually ran a bit of coaxial cable with the outside braid being the shield.


Newer ones bring out all 4 conductors so you can split the coils if you want to, and the shield is a foil wrap under the outside insulation that encloses the internal conductors, as per so...


The bare wire is what they call a "drain" - it allows you to connect the foil to ground.

Ideally, you want to shield any wire that carries signal. But, that's not always practical due to length restrictions. So, to be pragmatic you just shield the longer runs, such as those running to/from the pickup selector switch and to the output jack. That's usually effective enough.
Okay so I have newer 4 conductor semymour duncans so the I must of just missed it and will recheck tonight. So essentially grounds don't get shielded? Also it looks as if they just used aluminum tape as shield so I can use either aluminum or copper tape to shield all signal wire and I should be good? Thanks for the response and great advice.
I buy longer lengths of braided/shielded wire from StewMac...


But, if you don't want 50 feet of it, they'll sell shorter lengths.

Not the best way to buy it, but unless you want to buy 500 foot reels of the stuff, that's probably as good as it gets.

I don't remember doing a tutorial on wiring - I have the memory persistence of a goldfish - but I may have. I have a build coming up this week, so maybe I'll document that.

As for the verification thing, I know nothing. I've been here long enough that it doesn't pester me. Plus, I rarely log in - this computer is up 24/7 and I don't run Windows (I'm a Linux user) so it doesn't crash.
Surf n Music said:
Okay so I have newer 4 conductor semymour duncans so the I must of just missed it and will recheck tonight. So essentially grounds don't get shielded? Also it looks as if they just used aluminum tape as shield so I can use either aluminum or copper tape to shield all signal wire and I should be good? Thanks for the response and great advice.

No, you don't shield grounds. "Ground" or "neutral" or "common" is where you send noise to die like the filthy tone-killing dog it is. If the signal wire is surrounded by a shield that's grounded, then any noise the wire might be exposed to gets sent to ground and you don't hear it.

Normally, you don't shield wires yourself, you use shielded cable. Otherwise, it's too difficult to hook up.
Normally, you don't shield wires yourself, you use shielded cable. Otherwise, it's too difficult to hook up.

Ohh that makes sense. All the shield has to connect to be continuous and connected to the drain for it to be functional. Awesome I got it  :headbang1: Thanks brotha!! Super appreciated!
And jeez, do I really have to type in these incredibly annoying verification words for every post???
I have been on here for only  a week and it has already stopped. What color is a bluebird? Hahah
Cagey said:
I buy longer lengths of braided/shielded wire from StewMac...


But, if you don't want 50 feet of it, they'll sell shorter lengths.

Not the best way to buy it, but unless you want to buy 500 foot reels of the stuff, that's probably as good as it gets.

I don't remember doing a tutorial on wiring - I have the memory persistence of a goldfish - but I may have. I have a build coming up this week, so maybe I'll document that.

As for the verification thing, I know nothing. I've been here long enough that it doesn't pester me. Plus, I rarely log in - this computer is up 24/7 and I don't run Windows (I'm a Linux user) so it doesn't crash.

I'd love to see you document your upcoming build, as I'm highly interested in it! :icon_biggrin: