
Scored a 67 Coronado 1 body


Hero Member

It's been routed for a humbucker in the bridge and is ugly, but I'm thinking about having my luthier plug the extra holes and refinish it goldtop.  It's double cream bound and has a standard Fender neck pocket.  Opinions?  Ideas?  I'm thinking rosewood neck.

ahh... one of my biggest regrets is not buying a loaded green coronado body for 400$..  I didn't realize that any W neck would probably fit on it..

anyway, great project!! make lots of pics of your progress!
That's not ugly, that's really cool! Goldtop would be awesome, and for some reason I see it with a Firebird headstock. But that's just me.  :laughing7:

Incidentally, my grandfather used to have a Coronado, but it looked more like this (on the right):

I love those cars.

I'm mulling this over, and as much as I like Coronado XIIs, I think I want this to be a 6 string.  I also don't like the tone of the original pickups, after having just played a stock one.  I think I'm going to go humbucker bridge (Fralin's Full Range replica?  regular sized?  dunno) and P90 in the neck. 

I'm also torn about bridges... I don't think I want a trem, but maybe.  What would fit on this?  If it's not a Bigsby type, I want a really cool trapeze.  I'm 90% sure I'm having my luthier make a rosewood neck with some custom trapezoid abalone inlay work, so something ostentatious might be appropriate.

Anyway, keep the ideas coming please... I'm really stoked about this.

Mark, it is official


one of my dreams of winning the lotto is having enough money to send someone out on a quest to get me a Coronado Antiqua

That is so sweet, you need to have that done up right, I am so jealous I could cry.

I'm trying some different pickups in the neck before I get all route-crazy.  I'm slapping a couple Warmoth necks on this bad boy to swap out with different pickups; a maple/maple and a purpleheart/ebony  I want to hear what sorta tones I can get out of this beast before I commit to repair/paint.  I'm being loaned a few different oddballs from a friend who owns a guitar shop that deals in mostly vintage gear, and I've ordered a few GFS oddballs:

http://www.guitarfetish.com/Nashville-Vintage-Filtertron-Style-Humbucker-Chrome_c_100.html  <Filteron style for the bridge

http://www.guitarfetish.com/GFS-NYII-Surface-Mount-Handmade-Alnico-Pickup_c_101.html  <big weird p-90 sorta winding for the neck

http://www.guitarfetish.com/GFS-NYIII-Alnico-3-Surface-Mount-Humbucker-Black_c_102.html  <humbucker in the same housing


Neck suggestion:
Maple (flamed?), vintage tint gloss, rosewood fretboard, bound, block inlays, Fender Electric XII hockey stick styled headstock - but drill for 6 (front of headtsock to match body front colour).

Pickup Suggestion:

DeArmonds! (if you can find some)
Seriously, I would give my left nut for a premo Coronado
and some serious money for a beater