I know it is critical when sadning bare wood to go with the grain when level sanding lacquer for instance is it as critical or are circuliar motions recommended?
I only sand in a circular motion at the wet sand phase of finishing.
If your question is regarding between coat level sanding most experts will tell you that it is ok to sand in any direction with lacquer including me before I have found with the new low VOC lacquers the sanding scratches do not re-melt as well. Based on the recommendation of one of the top people at Val-Spar I started to do my level sanding in the direction of the grain and have had improved results.
Id like to ad something here that Ive found from experience but never read anywhere on the net or in a book about sandng. What Ive noticed is that when sanding bare wood, you cant go back AND forth on the surface you have to go one way and stop after the sanding block has left the wood. If you go back and forth you get sideways scratches at the ends of your work that make the last inch or two look rough.
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