
S-Paul - done! (NOW WITH CLIPS)

m4rk0 said:
I wish read this part when I first read this topic!! I bought both the white and the pepto variations and decided that they were useless for my project :(
I just received the "clear" filler from Stewmac, that is supposedly really actually clear! :) I hope it works..and didn't waste anymore money on fillers..

Hehe.  Learn from the mistakes of others!  :)

DocNrock said:
Nice looking axe!  If you're going to swap out that bridge pup, consider a Seymour JB.  I'm not sure what kind of music you play, but you can get everything from jazz to metal with it.

The Custom 5 has grown on me.  I still like the tone of the 59 better but the Custom 5 cuts through the mix really nicely when I play with a band.
I guess as long as I'm here I'll give an update... just some stream of consciousness thoughts about the guitar.

This guitar is amazing.  Obviously.  :)  As I learn how to play it it just gets better and better... I can get an astonishing range of sounds out of it.

That leather strap is gone, given away (on this very board!)... I don't wear leather any more.

The feel of the rosewood neck is so fantastic... I use orange oil to keep it from drying out.  It also makes it smell nice.  :)

After I got over the initial rush to PLAY PLAY PLAY I took it apart, TruOiled the body (the impatient man's tung oil), and added one of Doug's kickass custom neckplates.

I raised the action a bit on the bass side... it was too buzzy before.  I also enlarged the low E string notch on the TOM because the damn thing kept popping out when I played hard (which is usually).

The tone knob is a push-push but it doesn't currently do anything.  When I get up the energy, maybe I'll wire it to put the pickups in series.
Sounds good! I think you owe us some updated pictures!!  :icon_biggrin:

btw, the Stewmac filler is much better... and yes it is really clear.. just can't get it off my fingers now.
Sounds a lot better in person.  But you get the idea.  Also my amp's master volume was only on 2 when I recorded it... sounds way, way better around 6 but my neighbors have taken enough punishment this weekend.  :guitaristgif:
Okay, now I've got good pics... and now it's Tru Oiled so it looks better too... here they are:



Shhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawing........that looks killer Dan, but before it had kind of a weathered look.... :o
Works for me too.  Though I'm kind of embarrassed about the first bit, it sounds really amateurish because I f*cked up the rhythm while I was screwing with the strap... :(
dbw said:
Works for me too.  Though I'm kind of embarrassed about the first bit, it sounds really amateurish because I f*cked up the rhythm while I was screwing with the strap... :(
Finally got it to work, had to keep clicking the hell out of it, it finally played..... :icon_thumright:
kreig said:
your mp3 link did'nt work when I clicked it !
It's your browser, trust me I know...I was using Netscape 7.2 and it was causing me all kinds of troubles. And having problems with plug ins + a barrage of other problems. Switched to FireFox, ain't had a bit of trouble since...
Yeah I have an invader on my Gibson Explorer and I love it, not good for clean unless your looking for a crunchy sound.