Royale body?

Volitions Advocate

Hero Member
Hi guys,  Please forgive me for being out of the know.

I'm still depressed about Gibson giving Warmoth the finger back in the day, and I haven't been terribly active on the forums since back then, so I'm really out of touch with all the new stuff Warmoth offers.

I see three Royale bodies on the Showcase, but it's not an option in the custom shop.  Is there a reason for that?  Cease and desist from somebody else?  The closest thing I can see it resembling is a Dean EVO, which is something I would have killed to get from Warmoth back in the day.  But it isn't an EVO copy, (and Dean doesn't even seem to be selling them anymore either)

What gives? What did I miss?  I want one.

I like the regal, but I want a Royale :sad:
The Royale was not a big seller, and was cannibalizing sales from the Regal. For those reasons it has been discontinued. The Royales that remain in the showcase are all that are left, and once they are gone so is the Royale.

We do, however, have a brand new design ready to unveil. It is scheduled to go live in May. The web pages are ready to go, we have stock through production and sitting on the shelves, and all lights are green for launch. Hint: it is not similar at all to the Regal or Royale, but it does replace one of the previously discontinued G-type models.

double A said:
We do, however, have a brand new design ready to unveil. It is scheduled to go live in May. The web pages are ready to go, we have stock through production and sitting on the shelves, and all lights are green for launch. Hint: it is not similar at all to the Regal or Royale, but it does replace one of the previously discontinued G-type models.

Sounds promising. Can you give us any hints?


Timmsie95 said:
If it's an explorer type, I'm going to need a change of pants.  :party07:

Do you prefer denim or corduroy?
One faded denim, comin' up:

:icon_biggrin: :icon_biggrin: :icon_biggrin:

Well, in that case I think i might prefer the denim before the corduroy!
If it is an explorer (which I'm pretty sure it is, based on Aaron's response...), it looks like I may be delaying the purchase of my rack rig, in favor of building another guitar...
FWIW, I would love to see another semi-hollow body offering to round out the many solid-body designs currently available. I don't know, something along the lines of a 335...  :glasses10:
Again, if Warmoth made a poll like, for instance
  • Explorerish
  • ES335ish
  • and so on
  • and so forth
they would get some instant (I imagine) feedback from everybody here that would eliminate guesswork.

Logrinn said:
Again, if Warmoth made a poll like, for instance
  • Explorerish
  • ES335ish
  • and so on
  • and so forth
they would get some instant (I imagine) feedback from everybody here that would eliminate guesswork.

Well, given those choices, I'd rather an And So Forth body. That would be killer!  :laughing7:
I would rather the new body style be an F-type rather than an E-type, but it's great that our favorite custom guitar parts company is giving us new options at all! Thanks, Warmoth!
I purchased 2 Royale bodies when all were discounted. Have to say that I like both of my builds as much as my Gibsons... and they are much lighter in weight.

Thought they were a great take on an old classic. Unfortunate that they have been discontinued.