
Routing a mustang


Junior Member
Hello, I’m wanting to route out a small area for a three way switch on my mustang, Any suggestions?


Currently I’m thinking of tracing the pickguard on wax paper and putting it on the body to see exactly where I want the switch, and making that box smaller to make the switch a tight squeeze.
I always make and use a template - even for something like that.  I'd set the depth so you can't go through  the back, giving yourself a safety margin of, say, 1/4"*, then have at it.

The router is a monster.  It's tempting to free-hand it, but just when you think it's under your control it will happily carve up your work anyway it likes.  Beware.

* around 5-6mm in units that everyone else uses
I'm with Trevor on using a template.  An alternative, if you have a drill press, might be to use a large Forstner bit to establish the cavity for the switch, and then chisel or rout a channel for the wires.
I adjusted a cavity on one build after the finish was on. Kevin suggested putting painters tape on the finish first so it doesn't chip. That worked good. Also, I routed it in increments so it would make a cleaner cut.


  • CavityRout1.JPG
    68.9 KB · Views: 16
Freehand with a dremel.  I don't recommend it, but that's what I do, knock wood no problems yet.
Rgand said:
I adjusted a cavity on one build after the finish was on. Kevin suggested putting painters tape on the finish first so it doesn't chip. That worked good. Also, I routed it in increments so it would make a cleaner cut.

You are an accomplished tool-using primate, Robert.  Opposable thumbs were not wasted on you in the ol' evolutionary lottery.
Thanks, Ian. Much appreciated. But! There have been some disastrous lessons along the way. :icon_biggrin:
Bagman67 said:
.....An alternative, if you have a drill press, might be to use a large Forstner bit to establish the cavity for the switch, and then chisel or rout a channel for the wires.
Definitely sage advice. Hog out as much as you can with the Forstner bit, then use the router with a template to get at the rest. I can tell you from experience, that no matter how experienced, strong, and steady you are, free handing a router with a straight bit is seldom a good idea. If you make one wrong move, or twitch at the wrong moment, a router will take your work and throw it across the shop, just for fun!
True enough. Routers sust just plain mean, and can do a helluva lotta damage in a hurry. You want to constrain them as much as possible. Even with a template, they can misbehave, so be careful.
Well, I got what I needed routed, routed. Then I packaged her all up and mailed her off to be refinished. Kinda nervous, I’ve never shipped anything in my life.


Good to get that done. Freehand, too. I don't trust my router freehand. It has an attitude.

Looking forward to pics with the new finish on it.
I actually used the template I made for my Swinger. (My avatar) if you take another look at the switch route, it’s a pickup hole

Edit: the template is actually in the back of the first picture