
Rounded edges G4

Nando Vallart

Epic Member
Would be really nice to have a option (or perhaps even standard) to have the shape of G4 rounded, like this guy did (and kinda like the Ibanez SR):


In deed, if I buy a G4 I'll be doing it and therefore, lose the warranty...
I rather like bodies with large roundovers. They seem less clunky and more ergonomic.

It's not hard to do, but then on the other hand, the warranty issue. I can't imagine having any issues with a Warmoth body, though. Bodies don't warp like necks, and thick pieces of wood tend to be more stable, especially if you give them a proper finish for protection.
Yes it's easy to do and the chance of a problem on a body is small, but would be cool have that option, I think...
greywolf said:
It's easy enough to sand them down yourself .

I know... I've build guitar from scratch... But when I decide to buy something from Warmoth is because I'm lazy and don't want to work :)
FernandoDuarte said:
greywolf said:
It's easy enough to sand them down yourself .

I know... I've build guitar from scratch... But when I decide to buy something from Warmoth is because I'm lazy and don't want to work :)

But woodworking is so much fun!
Yes! Building a guitar is something amazing! But I ain't got a workshop and I can use all the year the workshop of my luthier friend...
Also, I'm finishing a guitar and have planned 357,968,270 other guitars to build... Not even sure how start, then sometimes I just see "well, it's easier and quickier to have Warmoth done"...
They have an access to some woods that are really hard to get here on Brazil (remind that lots of eBay sellers won't ship here), not counting that I know it will end nice :P
3/4" roundover bit would do it. On a 1 3/4" thick body it leaves a 1/4" around the edge for the bearing so you can do both sides. You could ask W to leave out the control cavity.

Do it!!!
whitebison66 said:
3/4" roundover bit would do it. On a 1 3/4" thick body it leaves a 1/4" around the edge for the bearing so you can do both sides. You could ask W to leave out the control cavity.

Do it!!!

I've used a 3/4" roundover bit on some scrap materials at home.  That thing scared the crap out of me.  Even in the smallest of passes it grabs a lot of wood.  Absolutely terrifying.
Agreed with Eric, the bigger the bit, the bigger the risk... If I get a G4 I'd preffer to do it buy hand, take a little longer, but is nicier to do, more silence and safer :)