
RLW O brother, where art thou?

Might depend on where he lived, saw in another post that he might have been living on bayou in Dickinson?  If so he probably got flooded pretty good. 70% of his zip code will still be without power PAST this Thursday, city still has curfew in effect and Red Cross serving meals, limited availability of rations/petrol as of today, city's website sounds grim:


Read some other posts stating that all bayside docks/facilities and a lot of property at or near the bay waterfront/bayou were trashed/destroyed/flooded.

Press conference from mayor last Wed.: http://www.khou.com/video/?z=y&nvid=283860

Pics of Dickinson taken day after the storm:

That's the problem in those older neighborhoods: all those big trees that we all adore come tumbling down.  Pines were scary looking during the storm even 60 miles inland.  They were bending to freakish extremes.
When I was living in Coconut Grove FL and Andrew went over, the boats were a problem. The wind can get up underneath them and sail 'em... There were 50-foot cabin cruisers a few miles inland just parked in the streets, yards, and on top of people's houses. The 12-foot panes of sheet glass popping out of office buildings and the satellite dishes flew like mofos too. The bayfront restaurant I was working in had three feet of seaweed in it, with some of the nastiest little buggy/fishy nightmare creatures imaginable crawling around in it - then they died. :o