RIP MCA of Beastie Boys


Hero Member
May 4, 2012 Adam Yauch (MCA) of the Beastie Boys died after fighting with parotid gland (mouth) cancer.

They started as a hardcore punk band in 1979 and incorporated live instruments in their shows.
Beastie Boys were inducted to the rock & roll hall of fame last month
MCA was the bass player, with Ad-Rock on guitar & Mike D on drums

I remember them being special when I was growing up because even the rock stations would play their music.

No Sleep 'til Brooklyn (named as an homage to Motorhead No Sleep 'til Hammersmith)
Definitely innovators in music and are deservedly in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (unlike Run DMC)
We had a gig that night and everyone had to work that day or we would have totally done at least one beasties tune instrumental prog style.