
Rio Grande Twangbucker


Hero Member
picture from this forum


i called warmoth earlier asking about what i would need to do to fit this to my guitar and from what i could tell the only modification the route i already have would need would be to make it deeper. is that true? seems like the TWO coils would need a larger route than one. i'm going to call back later to try to confirm all this but thought i'd ask here too. i can't find much information on this pickup. actually most of the information i've found on it on the whole world wide web has been on this forum, and even that was from a couple years ago when the tele above was posted. i also wonder if the bridge would work on a tele with a pickguard... if the route needs to be made larger then i would imagine the bridge's size would be longer as well.

if the route just needs to be made deeper then i think i could either do that myself or find somebody locally who could help. if it needs to be altered in more ways then i think i might just have to go back to me original plans as far as pickups. i wonder, would warmoth let me send the body back for more routing work? i would imagine so, but i wonder what the charge for that would be... anyway, thanks for any help.
Don't quote me on this, but I think Rio-Grande has a a template that they can send you for the routing. I'm pretty sure that it isn't just rout it deeper, but  :dontknow:
ok, called warmoth back and was told they'd have to start a custom build with this pickup in mind. apparently the screw holes for the bridge (and maybe the string through holes) are located in different positions than they normally would be with their standard telecaster bridge. i'm a little disappointed, but this solves my pickup and bridge dilemma. i think i'll go with the dimarzio area t hot bridge and most likely warmoth's 3 barrel bridge that they stock. i think that's my best option since it's not overly expensive and i'll also be spending a little extra to get compensated steel saddles.
That guitar belongs to Sales Manager Rob Rounds, and it is a Rio Grande Twangbucker.
It's a great choice.  I've played that guitar though his Boogie Recto and that pickup screams in high gain in humbucker mode, but spanks nicely when split.  Definitely worth the cost if you want to crossover between modern crunch and old twang.
TonyFlyingSquirrel said:
That guitar belongs to Sales Manager Rob Rounds, and it is a Rio Grande Twangbucker.
It's a great choice.  I've played that guitar though his Boogie Recto and that pickup screams in high gain in humbucker mode, but spanks nicely when split.  Definitely worth the cost if you want to crossover between modern crunch and old twang.
I thought I remembered seeing that before, is that the one called "Blue Jean"...?
"Blue Jean" was an inspiration for "Blue", I had actually talked to Rob about it during my planning stages. I almost went with that color instead. May still do it one day on a guitar.  :icon_thumright:
Those finishes on those Jems always remind me of the opening of the vintage "Ultraman" tv series.  I'm sure there were some opiates involved with that concept.
