
Right handed Neck, left handed Body?


Hero Member
Is this Do-able? particularly on the Iceman I keep talking about, but also In general.

I really strongly want to go with an inline-6, top Oriented headstock. and I've been having a LOT of problems picking a headstock. i was in a place of acceptance with the Jackson style...

until I realized it was Reversed... Now I'm all lost again.

It Does appear that the Truss Rod adjuster would be blocked by the bodyshape. but perhaps that can be worked around? its not even there on Lefty necks.

I gotta say this is a hard body to match a headstock for. and being that I'd really like to order the neck and body at the same time (to match the finish/possible Quilt) this is just one of the thousand tiny problems to get out of the way.

thanks for any kind of advice!
The angled headstocks are adjustable from the headstock end.  Also, the Jackson headstock is available in reverse or normal orientation (righty or lefty). 
New question.

they would still go on. right?

Like If I bought a Showcase neck. and wanted to put it on a lefty... if the nuts changed. the neck pocket is symmetrical. so a Righty neck would work... just be reversed?

I'm thinking of cost. and just thinking about how a flipped Strat Headstock would look on a Iceman body.
Wait, so you want a right handed neck on a left handed body, because you are a lefty, but want a reversed headstock?

Side dots...
I would advise against a Warmoth Pro, as that would obscure the side adjuster, if I am understanding your combination correctly.
AutoBat said:
I would advise against a Warmoth Pro, as that would obscure the side adjuster, if I am understanding your combination correctly.

no side adjuster on a jackson neck
You do have my idea right. and the dots and Nut I have thought of...

the side adjuster does seem problematic...

I'm just looking for a cheap, playable neck...
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Superlizard said:
No, because that (right handed neck) would be an abomination to the Left-handed people of the world.

Just so I understand.  Jimi Hendrix, abomination.  Kurt Cobain, not an abomination.  Got it.

Hey, I'll drink to that!
SO, even though I'm not a huge fan of flipped headstocks... I can actually stomach a Flipped Warhead on the iceman...

what are your thoughts on the matter?