Reverse CBS, Vintage Tint Birdseye/Birdseye Neck


Hero Member
So, yeah, no pictures just yet. Sorry to disappoint. But, I'll get some posted.

I'm really glad I went with the vintage tint. I was very worried I was going to get a neck the color of cheddar cheese but photographs really do the tint a disservice; it's absolutely beautiful in person, the color of an amber lager.

All my joy about its beauty is tempered, however, by that I should probably take the name "Hamfisted" instead of "reluctant-builder". While the latter is still true, it's definitely informed by my blunt-instrument, bull-in-a-China-shop, no-patience stupidity that causes me to "relic" things as soon as I get them into my hands.

Did I have a wrench the perfect size for the bushings of my tuning machines? Why, yes! Did I know that I had it or bother to look for it before I went all impetuous and exuberant on those bushings with my vice grips? Nope.

But, hey, @#$% it. It's beautiful. I'm happy, and I've already beaten the shit out of it, so I'm not going to worry about dropping my guitar on stage or hitting it on the door frame walking from room to room in my apartment. C'est la vie and la vie is rough.

All that aside, I've got the tuning machines installed and I just affixed the neck to the body. The neck pocket (this is a MiM Strat) was a little loose, so I cut up the Warmoth bumper sticker that came with my neck, laid little squares of it one atop the other until I filled the gap in the neck pocket and now it's like a glove for that sweet, amber-hued piece of maple. :icon_biggrin:
Dude don't feel bad, I already had some cockups putting my first axe together and put some "love marks" on it. :party07:
Vice Grips? Really? <sigh>

Slow down. It usually takes less time to do it right than it does to do it twice.
I understand. But, decisions like that can lead to doing it twice or more, or even scrapping parts. At best, impatience will leave you with a half-assed job. Slowing down will reduce that sort of thing dramatically, if not eliminate it entirely. Don't worry; the sun will come out tomorrow.
Haha. Luck has nothing to do with it. I just have zero patience and I am incredibly reckless and impetuous. It's all right, though; I don't love my guitars any less for the imperfections I've caused them. If anything, I love them more.