If you generally just CLONE the Fender circuit, transformer, tank, and all, what you'll end up with is a working reverb.
At that point, some tweakage to the input cap the the "send amp" (12AT7). You can try one, then another... You'll hear what works best pretty easily.
Then, the mixing... the 3.3 is "supposed" to be standard, but... at 3.3megohms, you can try say... 3.0 and 2.7 for more drive. If the reverb gets wimpy... increase it a bit. Similarly, if the channel is too heavy handed in drive, crank that resistor up a tiny bit to say 3.6 or even 4.7megohm. The 10pf is a guide - you can try 10pf, or NO cap, or 22pf or 27 or 12 or 14pf if you can find them. Its not critical, you just a/b compare the two channels "dry" and if one is too bright thats one place to even it out. Since the resistor is so big, you only need a very small capacitor to get the "bypass" effect and let more highs through. <-- similarly the ESR is quite important. Going silver-mica to ceramic will result in big tone differences, even though the cap values are the same. Silver-mica is very low ESR, lets highs pass more easily than ceramics.
At that point, some tweakage to the input cap the the "send amp" (12AT7). You can try one, then another... You'll hear what works best pretty easily.
Then, the mixing... the 3.3 is "supposed" to be standard, but... at 3.3megohms, you can try say... 3.0 and 2.7 for more drive. If the reverb gets wimpy... increase it a bit. Similarly, if the channel is too heavy handed in drive, crank that resistor up a tiny bit to say 3.6 or even 4.7megohm. The 10pf is a guide - you can try 10pf, or NO cap, or 22pf or 27 or 12 or 14pf if you can find them. Its not critical, you just a/b compare the two channels "dry" and if one is too bright thats one place to even it out. Since the resistor is so big, you only need a very small capacitor to get the "bypass" effect and let more highs through. <-- similarly the ESR is quite important. Going silver-mica to ceramic will result in big tone differences, even though the cap values are the same. Silver-mica is very low ESR, lets highs pass more easily than ceramics.