
Reverb Pedal - I cant' decide

DangerousR6 said:
Dude, you're so OCD, you had to get 2 of them... :laughing11:

Man I gotta tell you, I tried stacking all kinds of overdrive pedal together in different orders and those two early V4 OCDs sounded the best stacked together. Very organic and fluid light crunch that I use for slightly over driven or jazz types of tones. And if I reverse the order of those two OCDs and match the settings, it doesn't sound the same or as good.

I tried my SD1s (stock and Allums modded), Bad Monkey, AnalogMan vintage modded DOD 250, etc, and those two OCDs did the best.
DangerousR6 said:
Rickgrxbass said:
DangerousR6 said:
Dude, you're so OCD, you had to get 2 of them... :laughing11:

What's worse is he keeps pushing the buttons to make sure they're on  :evil4:

BillyBoy said:
DangerousR6 is pushing me closer and closer to the Holy Grail with the Monty Python pics! That's one of my all time favorite movies.  :kewlpics:
Mine too... :icon_thumright:
Death by Uberschall said:
DangerousR6 said:
Death by Uberschall said:
DangerousR6 said:
Death by Uberschall said:
Never seen it.  :tard:

The movie, never seen it.
Seriously, what has the 21st century not made it down to Batawn Rooooooge? :icon_scratch:

Sorry, Spinal Tap took the last available slot in my DVD collection.  :dontknow:
Dude, you gotta get it and watch it, it's freaking hilarious. Then maybe you can catch up with the rest if civilization.. :icon_biggrin:

It's got like cult movie status, I actually had a copy of the script back in the day... :laughing7:
If you like that documentary Spinal Tap, you'd really like Monty Python and the Holy Grail because it's a documentary about the Crusades and stuff.
Sounds great here

I haven't received it yet.  :sad1:

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