I think that this just plays around with Gibson's enfetishment of trying to cash in on it's past. Seriously, when you think about it, what's the last new design that Gibson had that was a new and fresh idea? If I remember right, I think it was the Blueshawk, which was kind of an unpolished gem of an instrument. They were light, snappy, sounded great with the 90s that were loaded into it, and, from seeing a local band when I was growing up, they were stellar for slide work, especially with the longer scale. But, if it hasn't been made before, or wasn't something that was thought up of by Teddy McCarty fifty some-odd years ago, Gibson won't think of a new design. At least the Moderne isn't the kind of abored fetus idea the Firebird X was--those things always made me think that Gibson thought mating a Firebird with a Moog and, to top it off, dropped it off at the Brunswick Sports factory to make it look like it was finished like a bowling ball.