Removing Nitro Satin Neck Finish


Senior Member
Does anybody have a quick and easy method for removing nitro finish from maple necks?
Removed no.  Changed yes.  Buffed it to a gloss.  That's probably not what you're looking for but anyway ...
rick2 said:
Removed no.  Changed yes.  Buffed it to a gloss.  That's probably not what you're looking for but anyway ...
i Sold it to a coworker who wants it vintage amber. What do you use to buff nitro to gloss?
JPOL007 said:
DuckBaloo said:
Lacquer thinner will remove nitro.
Is this a rub with cloth soaked in lacquer thinner type process?

It can be, but you have to be careful, lacquer thinner will melt plastic fret markets as well.

Personally, if someone wanted it amber, I would just sand back a little and overspray with tinted clear.
I just it hit with a buffer on a drill and scratch x, the kind for cars.  The bits you can't get at do by hand.  Since I don't know how thick, probably want to start first by hand, just like you'd do a car, and see how it goes.