Remind me: what's in the details...

Fat Pete

Hero Member
...Obsessional insanity or something loftier? (Warning - long post.)

This probably isn't a proper work in progress thread as all the important work was done quite a while ago by Cagey - many thanks Kevin. In addition his bread and butter work - full assembly/wiring and his superb fret work - he also routed for the tremolo which Warmoth won't do on showcase bodies and something I wasn't looking forward to doing myself.

The authorities don't allow me to 'perform' in public very often but the guitar arrived just in time for me and my brother's annual antedote to Christmas cheer. The guitar performed ok which is not something I can say for myself. Fortunately I live 120 miles from the venue.


What have I been obsessing over? For me, there are three things wrong in this picture.


No, the Kahler isn't one of them! Can we just blame Adrian Belew and move on? Thanks.

I was aware of 2 of the issues while still at the planning stage

1, there's a big gap between the ring and the pickguard at the top and no gap at the side.

2, it's a showcase body that was originally routed for a standard Tele pickup and part of the rout is visible below the hb mounting ring.

3, Which I wasn't aware of until Cagey pointed it out during the build - the Alumitone pickup is noticeably smaller than a regular hb so there's a big gap between it and the ring.

It hasn't escaped my notice that almost nobody else would... notice. But it's my guitar and I guess I must like all this nitpicking - mustn't I?



The router made quick work of 1. Looks much better to me.

To address 2 & 3, I had a custom ring cut from acryllic. I think it works ok; the shaping of the 'extension' is similar to the Kahler. Though I had a dim hope that it might look ok just painted (it is painted 'chrome' though you wouldn't know from this pic), this was always likely to be a prototype. If I get a proper one made and chrome plated, I'll have to get AutoBat make me a 'stupidest amount of money spent on a pickup ring ever' banner. Maybe I'll see sense and just use a taller standard ring which I think would make the gap less obvious - apart from when looking at it dead straight on.

More foolishness to follow shortly...
If that pickup ring is still grinding your gears, I'd suggest having DangerousR6 cut you one out of brass and have it chrome plated. I'd also adjust the width of that lower lip that's covering up the excess route from the Tele pickup so that it matches the width of that Kahler. The continuity would work really well. Probably end up costing you $50 by the time you're done, but it would be really sweet looking. I've had him make rings for me for that same reason.
Getting one cut from brass isn't too much of a problem, it's the chrome plating that's the issue - this side of the pond anyway - we're talking $70+.

I get what you're saying about matching it up with the trem but the Kahler is actually asymmetrical and I don't think that would work on the ring. Likewise, I prefer the way I've done it to just keeping it rectangular. I may have to have a word with Doug to see if he could make one and get it chromed Stateside a bit more reasonably.
Fat Pete said:
I'll have to get AutoBat make me a 'stupidest amount of money spent on a pickup ring ever' banner.

That's funny right there. We sure can take ourselves a long way down rabbit trails, can't we? Guilty as charged.
Fat Pete said:
Getting one cut from brass isn't too much of a problem, it's the chrome plating that's the issue - this side of the pond anyway - we're talking $70+.

Yeah, if you do one-offs, they tend to smile and offer you the comfy chair so you don't bust your ass falling down when they give you the price. What you need to find is a shop that's already doing a lotta plating that'll let you just add your little part to an existing batch.
swarfrat said:
Fat Pete said:
I'll have to get AutoBat make me a 'stupidest amount of money spent on a pickup ring ever' banner.

That's funny right there. We sure can take ourselves a long way down rabbit trails, can't we? Guilty as charged.

Hehe! Yeah, that's true. I'm that way with necks. Tend to spend more on them than many people spend on entire guitars.
Any shots of the whole guitar to see the details in context ?

The improvements do look more finished.
stratamania said:
Any shots of the whole guitar to see the details in context ?

Don't worry, they'll be an excess of photos posted in the gallery very soon...

For now, let me get back to the last of those damnable details.

As I said, the guitar worked ok, but it wasn't quite right. On closer inspection it became apparent that despite the neck pocket supposedly being routed to the correct angle for the trem, it wasn't. This may something for those few Kahler fans out there to watch out for because these bridges are quite fussy in this regard. The break angle over the saddle was too shallow - not great for tone/sustain generally but in this case the strings were actually resting on the intonation lock screws, worsening the break angle issue and creating a friction point - not much point having roller saddles if the string is then scraping against a screw head right behind it!

The picture below is after correction - the arrow points to where the string was making contact:


Luckily, shimming the neck pocket is not something that bothers me. Anyway, I used a Wilkinson Wenge Supatone Shim which actually improves tone, sustain and sexual potency by 11.6%. It now plays as it should and I'm a happy camper.
Wilkinson Wenge Supatone Shim, one of your own invention and not a Clever Trevor device  :icon_thumright:

stratamania said:
Wilkinson Wenge Supatone Shim, one of your own invention and not a Clever Trevor device  :icon_thumright:

Indeed, my bro Trev isn't keen on me using the name so I can't sell them on open market, but shoot me a PM ($99.99 with free shipping to the lower 48 - and the other 2).
I'll do some noodling and see about the chroming prices, the other alternative could be a polished aluminum ring... :icon_thumright:
Fat Pete said:

The authorities don't allow me to 'perform' in public very often but the guitar arrived just in time for me and my brother's annual antedote to Christmas cheer. The guitar performed ok which is not something I can say for myself. Fortunately I live 120 miles from the venue.


More foolishness to follow shortly...

This had me ROFLMAO.....thank you!  :icon_biggrin: :laughing3: :laughing11: :laughing7:
DangerousR6 said:
I'll do some noodling and see about the chroming prices, the other alternative could be a polished aluminum ring... :icon_thumright:

Thanks Dangerous, I was/am getting around to getting in touch. Please let me know how it's looking.

Re-Pete said:
Fat Pete said:

The authorities don't allow me to 'perform' in public very often but the guitar arrived just in time for me and my brother's annual antedote to Christmas cheer. The guitar performed ok which is not something I can say for myself. Fortunately I live 120 miles from the venue.


More foolishness to follow shortly...

This had me ROFLMAO.....thank you!  :icon_biggrin: :laughing3: :laughing11: :laughing7:

I make you laugh, I'm here to f&%*in' amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny?
Fat Pete said:
DangerousR6 said:
I'll do some noodling and see about the chroming prices, the other alternative could be a polished aluminum ring... :icon_thumright:

Thanks Dangerous, I was/am getting around to getting in touch. Please let me know how it's looking.

Re-Pete said:
Fat Pete said:

The authorities don't allow me to 'perform' in public very often but the guitar arrived just in time for me and my brother's annual antedote to Christmas cheer. The guitar performed ok which is not something I can say for myself. Fortunately I live 120 miles from the venue.


More foolishness to follow shortly...

This had me ROFLMAO.....thank you!  :icon_biggrin: :laughing3: :laughing11: :laughing7:

I make you laugh, I'm here to f&%*in' amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny?

I think he means "like a clown" funny....Hey, what are you gonna do with that baseball bat? Um....Pete?