
Rehearsal Space


Senior Member
Not sure if this is the appropriate place, but... A couple of months ago our bass player "donated" some of his warehouse space for us to have a rehearsal space. The space ended up being a 16' x 32' chainlinked in area, all padlocked and stuff. After the chainlink was up, we hung this roll of carpet we got (FREEBEE) on all 4 walls and moved some of our gear into it. This last weekend we decided to build a drum riser, so spent the day creating all the pieces for it and carpeting it. We reset up our gear and I totally dig it! We are ordering some lights in 2 weeks (have a couple of things like black lights, strobe, and fog machine so far). Anyways, if this is in the wrong place, sorry...

That's awesome!  Big drum riser and everything!

That's actually a better stage than we usually play real gigs on :)
I would sell a kidney for a rehearsal space like that.  I love the pirate action going on in the back there too!
It's a good thing I don't live near you then.  I don't want to wake up in a bathtub full of ice. 
Actually I doubt if you could get a space that nice in New York for the price of a kidney... :tard:
rockskate4x said:
that's alot of drums

Yea - what's with all the drums that some drummers have?  My drummer currently is running a 7 piece kit.  What the frig is up with that?
hannaugh said:
It's a good thing I don't live near you then.  I don't want to wake up in a bathtub full of ice. 
Ha, one of my best friends doesn't have a kidney. Otherwise, I'd sell hers :P
tfarny said:
Actually I doubt if you could get a space that nice in New York for the price of a kidney... :tard:

Yeah, it would be more like your first born and a couple of limbs.
Beats the hell out of my friends practice space ( I like to jam in there on weekends). It's a garage thats about that size, maybe a bit bigger. All concrete, no rise for the kit and the car is usually in there while were jamming.  :laughing7:
age range is 21 - 30

Did you expect me to be older?  :icon_scratch:

Seriously though,  having a space to jam where every member of the band can go anytime they want and play as loud as they want without bothering anybody is a great way to really progress as a band.
Seriously though,  having a space to jam where every member of the band can go anytime they want and play as loud as they want without bothering anybody is a great way to really progress as a band.

I wholeheartedly concur.  I find myself at the practice space quite often.  On really good days, someone else will show up and just join in.  I have a tendency to turn my rig up to mindboggling levels and make a hell of a racket.  Many a good jam has come out of this practice.  Thankfully our space is in a commercial center that really has no residential neighbors. 
mayfly said:
rockskate4x said:
that's alot of drums

Yea - what's with all the drums that some drummers have?  My drummer currently is running a 7 piece kit.  What the frig is up with that?

Gotta agree.  My drummer thinks more pieces make you better.  The first time I had to set up or tear down a set, it would get a lot smaller.
mayfly said:
rockskate4x said:
that's alot of drums

Yea - what's with all the drums that some drummers have?  My drummer currently is running a 7 piece kit.  What the frig is up with that?

Isn't that kinda like asking why a bass player needs 6 strings ... or why a guitar player needs 24 frets and/or 7 strings and/or 3 pickups?  Piano players have all the luck ... 88 keys!!!

Some of my favorite drummers have played massive kits ... Neil Peart, Mike Portnoy, Keith Moon, and the list goes on.

I've always helped the drummer in my bands load in and tear out ... and they've helped me.  I guess I've played in some pretty democratic outfits!
yeah, I'm not a drummer so I couldn't say how useful it is or isn't to have a huge drum set. All I know is that I don't want to be the one tuning all the heads and setting it up and taking it down.

If I started playing drums soon I would probably settle for one bass drum with double kicks, two lower toned toms (12 and 14?) , hi hats, a combo crash/ride, and a jazz snare... but I my current hobbies are expensive enough as it is...

screw huge drumsets...