


Epic Member
I know i am being ridiculous, but is anyone else a bit peeved by the reflection in this showcase picture?
It sort of kills the vibe for me seeing a dude with a tripod instead of a flawless shine on the back of a body.


What do you guys say?
well you asked, so i'm gonna tell ya. Get a grip, the fact that you can see a reflection as good as that is, is a good thing.

It's their way of showing off.

This post goes to show, if you can't find something to bitch about , youl'e just have to look closer.

Having said all that, I hope you know I'm just giving you crap, very good eye to catch that, I'm not sure I would have  :occasion14:
I hope you guys get where i am coming from with this. I am not trying to complain (though complaining is fun :icon_jokercolor:)
I am just getting this "cell phone picture" vibe, rather than the photo studio vibe i would expect, so that sort of makes me feel uneasy about the body.
Like i said though, i know i am just being ridiculous about it though.
Yeah I've noticed it too... they could try for a shorter focal depth and lower the lights in the rest of the room.  Honestly if it were up to me, I'd leave it alone.  The pics are fine, they show how shiny the finishes are.
Whaddayagonnado  :dontknow:  I guess they could sand that shine offa there with some heavy grit......can't have folks complaining   :laughing7:
Im hoping that my next VIP will be as gloss black as that, in fact I want to see reflections of things that aren't even in the room. :toothy12:
We could spend more time on photographs and raise the prices to cover the extra labor. All those in favor?  :icon_thumright:

Funny this comes up. We're actually working on this issue currently.
I actually think they should just take photos of the parts while they are on the workbench. You would be able to see the colors better when you have things around them to compare against. Alternatively, they should take pics outside on the 14 days a year it's not raining up there....

please mister gregg.. don't raise prices.. I can't afford the addiction if you do..

And what happened to the first taste is always free? That flame maple wasn't free...
You guys needa new photographer? I'd take one for you, one for me, I'd have the most bitchen collection of guitar pics that someone else owns....
lafromla1 said:
Im hoping that my next VIP will be as gloss black as that, in fact I want to see reflections of things that aren't even in the room. :toothy12:

You will see reflections of many smeared fingerprints!  :blob7: (ok, it was a crappy joke...)
Sadly, a guitar that shiny never stays that shiny. Damn you fingerprints, dust, and scratches! :sad:

Here is a reflection of a door on mine...


I am a TERRIBLE photographer FWIW.

And just because i LOVE showing off these pictures, here is a tree and a trailor.

line6man said:
I know i am being ridiculous, but is anyone else a bit peeved by the reflection in this showcase picture?
It sort of kills the vibe for me seeing a dude with a tripod instead of a flawless shine on the back of a body.

At least you didn't see a reflection of some 250lb hairy assed biker in his birthday suit and the said mentioned tripod actually being something else you see...  :o :sad:

:icon_biggrin: :icon_jokercolor: :icon_thumright: :icon_biggrin:
OzziePete said:
line6man said:
I know i am being ridiculous, but is anyone else a bit peeved by the reflection in this showcase picture?
It sort of kills the vibe for me seeing a dude with a tripod instead of a flawless shine on the back of a body.

At least you didn't see a reflection of some 250lb hairy assed biker in his birthday suit and the said mentioned tripod actually being something else you see...  :o :sad:

:icon_biggrin: :icon_jokercolor: :icon_thumright: :icon_biggrin:
Wana's_makin'_a_guitar said:
OzziePete said:
line6man said:
I know i am being ridiculous, but is anyone else a bit peeved by the reflection in this showcase picture?
It sort of kills the vibe for me seeing a dude with a tripod instead of a flawless shine on the back of a body.

At least you didn't see a reflection of some 250lb hairy assed biker in his birthday suit and the said mentioned tripod actually being something else you see...   :o :sad:

:icon_biggrin: :icon_jokercolor: :icon_thumright: :icon_biggrin:

yeah, sorry about the bad word imaging there, Wana. Puts you off your food  - that thought, doesn't it?  :headbang1:

Note to self: Always wear clothes when taking photos of glossy finished guitars!