bagman67 said:
pabloman said:
Jusatele said:
you know around here in Southern Ca. we consider Lake Elsinore and just about everything about it the DREGS OF THE WORLD. Nothing but meth heads and welfare recipients.. How could they make a quality guitar there?
WTF?!?! Are you serious? It's not the meth heads are the ones building the guitars. And welfare recipients, really? Just because a person needs some help doesn't make them worthless or a loser or disqualify them from being a good guitar builder (or whatever the hell your pompus judgemental high and mighty comments were implying). For you to make a comment like that shows your effed up mentality. The guitars are awesome and the community where they are built really isn't even a relevant factor in the quality of the product. :dontknow:
Without really wanting to inflame this portion of the conversation further, there are welfare recipients and meth heads in Puyallup, too. And I'm a former welfare recipient - through my mom, who proceeded to move off welfare to become a career police officer, and who raised five of us as a single mom to eventually graduate from college (with two graduate degrees among us as well). Welfare is not the equivalent of moral failure, and it is not an automatic indicator that its recipient is slothful or a criminal.
The only accurate judgment you can make about folks who don't have enough money is that they don't have enough money.
Now, as to the Rasmus guitar: It's regrettable, but true, that American corporate profit-seeking, coupled with government economic policies, coupled with the unions' rapacious demands for concessions from employers, and finally coupled with China's willingness to do it for less, are at the root of why these guitars are built in China instead of Lake Elsinore.
I bet they're really nice axes, though.
I was just noting the IRONY in it all, Not just that they could not make a great guitar, I like the line of guitars
One thing I have learned about Chinese made goods is it is not the worker, If trained and given time he will turn out a quality product. We are overridden with cheap Chinese product I agree, and I think that makes us prejudiced against all Chinese products. However the problem is not with the Chinese worker, he is turning out the product he is instructed to, and those instructions come from the owner of the brand it is sold under. We find out that the specs come companies that are not Chinese because they want a cheaper product to compete against other cheap product DEMANDED by ourselves. WE the buying public are the fault in the end. That is why so many companies do have lines still made in the good ole USA, because some of the public demand good quality well built product made over here. Do not blame unions or government, blame the mindset of every one in America wanting the most bang for the buck.
Brands Like Fender do not try to compete price point with the American Deluxe or the Custom shop stuff, you buy it or you buy a cheaper line, sadly made out of the country, and there are many a profitable boutique manufacturers who make all their product over here. However, in the drive to sell more product even marks like PRS have released a cheap foreign built line, But I can put my Custom 22 next to a SE and you would be hard pressed to see they are made by the same company.
Remember when Japanese products were looked down upon, but now 50 years later they are top of the line. Korean cars were a joke 25 years ago and now I see Hundias all over the place, not just econoboxes either, China will develop and have the same woes as we do some day as their labor out prices itself. I only hope we survive as a top economy when that happens. I fear that with the size of the populace of that country our economy my suffer many more years of this recession than we want to go through and have long lasting results.