I'm very happy with the Warmoth Strat I put together earlier in the year, so of course I'e thought about other builds and am sure I'lll do one eventually.
One of the projects I talked about here was a Jaguar with a Bigsby on it. Then I thought maybe a Jazz Master body instead. Anywhos... along the way I stumbled across a Jet King on the Ibanez site (I've got an AF75 already) and dang if it wasn't pretty close to what I wanted. I checked the reviews and the few I found were all positive. I like my AF75. Ok, time to look for a Jet King. That's when I discovered the one I wanted (JTK40) had been discontinued. No one had one locally. Street prices were about $350 on the 'net. Hmm... I wasn't too keen on buying one, sight unseen, just to see if I liked it or not.
Then a few days ago a shop in Utah put a brand new one on eBay for $290 delivered. Take another $10 off using PayPal's "Bill me later" option, and I could only hold out until tonight, When I got home from work I hit the "buy it now" button and it's supposed to start winging it's way to me tomorrow.
It's not even shipped yet and already I'm thinking about ordering up some P90ish pups and locking tuners from GFS...
One of the projects I talked about here was a Jaguar with a Bigsby on it. Then I thought maybe a Jazz Master body instead. Anywhos... along the way I stumbled across a Jet King on the Ibanez site (I've got an AF75 already) and dang if it wasn't pretty close to what I wanted. I checked the reviews and the few I found were all positive. I like my AF75. Ok, time to look for a Jet King. That's when I discovered the one I wanted (JTK40) had been discontinued. No one had one locally. Street prices were about $350 on the 'net. Hmm... I wasn't too keen on buying one, sight unseen, just to see if I liked it or not.
Then a few days ago a shop in Utah put a brand new one on eBay for $290 delivered. Take another $10 off using PayPal's "Bill me later" option, and I could only hold out until tonight, When I got home from work I hit the "buy it now" button and it's supposed to start winging it's way to me tomorrow.

It's not even shipped yet and already I'm thinking about ordering up some P90ish pups and locking tuners from GFS...