
Pulled trigger - Ibanez JTK40


Senior Member
I'm very happy with the Warmoth Strat I put together earlier in the year, so of course I'e thought about other builds and am sure I'lll do one eventually.

One of the projects I talked about here was a Jaguar with a Bigsby on it. Then I thought maybe a Jazz Master body instead. Anywhos... along the way I stumbled across a Jet King on the Ibanez site (I've got an AF75 already) and dang if it wasn't pretty close to what I wanted. I checked the reviews and the few I found were all positive. I like my AF75. Ok, time to look for a Jet King. That's when I discovered the one I wanted (JTK40) had been discontinued. No one had one locally. Street prices were about $350 on the 'net. Hmm... I wasn't too keen on buying one, sight unseen, just to see if I liked it or not.

Then a few days ago a shop in Utah put a brand new one on eBay for $290 delivered. Take another $10 off using PayPal's "Bill me later" option, and I could only hold out until tonight, When I got home from work I hit the "buy it now" button and it's supposed to start winging it's way to me tomorrow.


It's not even shipped yet and already I'm thinking about ordering up some P90ish pups and locking tuners from GFS...
awesome! being a bit of an ibanez fanboy i've always thought these were really cool. definitely the closest thing to some of those old weird 60's and 70's japanese models that i would ever get. very cool guitars
Nice score. I'm an Ibby fan myself, got a few from the late 70s to early 80s sitting around. You'll have to give us a full review when it arrives.
Granted I have to play it for a while as is before getting too carried away, but I think I want these too



Maybe it's the Ventures songs I've been trying to learn lately?
According to Quantum view it's out for delivery.

I'm going to be pretty worthless at work today. Even more than usual!

It's heeeeeeeerrrreeeeee.....  :icon_biggrin:

I haven't played it yet since I'm still at work, but judging by my initial once over it looks pretty good. Fret work looks decent, trem seems smooth/sturdy, over all fit and finish looks good. The only thing that caught my eye so far is the fingerboard - it's a pretty light color and the filler used around the inlays is much darker, kind of inexpensive looking if you look closely. Also the ends have square corners and would look nicer/more finished if they were rounded. BUT, if that's the worst thing I find on this I'll be one happy camper. I haven't so much as touched the tuners on it but I plan on replacing them with locking tuners anyway, so I'm not concerned with them either way. They look like the ones on my AF75, which I won't say are bad but they're not too impressive either.

The paint looks great, quality-wise. I'm not a big fan of the red but it was the only choice.

Hmm... I wonder if a Warmoth neck would fit? Exotic wood, 3x3 headstock, then this thing would be way cooler... (and twice as expensive!)

EDIT: Oh, I just took another look at it, and the nut looks like super cheap plastic. Eeewww.... But hey, did I mention it cost under $300, delivered? That gives me some headroom for mods...