That sucks. Does it hurt playability at all? From the pics, it looks as though your problem is clearly at the nut. You could always take it to a shop and get it fitted with a new nut. It shouldn't cost much. Or you could do it yourself (I'm about to attempt making my first nut, and I must admit it's intimidating). But, as Cagey said, that might void the warranty. It's probably best to give ol' W a call.
I'd also like to add a word of caution: I have the same problem on my own partscaster, but the problem isn't at the nut; the bridge rout is ever so slightly off-centre, so that even with the bridge positioned as far to the bass side as possible, the high e is dangerously close to the edge of the fretboard. It felt really weird at first, but I've pretty much gotten used to it. I'm hoping I can improve it a little more with the new nut I mentioned earlier. But back to the point of my rant, it's an eBay Mighty Mite body, so there's no warranty to speak of. As always, caveat emptor!