
Pot Trouble


Junior Member
Is there any way to put a volume knob thats designed for a split pot shaft onto a solid shaft?
I want to use a Gibson speed knob, but its got those grooves in the hole and not quite big enough
to fit onto the pot I plan on using.
I know it would be simple to change the pot, but I only want to do that as a last resort.
Plan A:

Plan B:

(repeat ad nauseum)

Plan of last resort:  Change the pot or the knob.  Thats the ticket!

Everyone has a trick, none of which are satisfactory, for adapting this to that.

Fine tooth splines need fine tooth knobs.
Coarse tooth splines need coarse tooth knobs
"Bending" the splines, results in breakage, or a knob that wobbles when you turn it

Solid shafts need knobs with setscrews
Setscrew knobs on a splined shaft will wobble
There is an adapter that lets you put setscrew knobs on splined shafts - its a little tube that cost a buck - too expensive - but worth it.

The last set screw knobbed guitars I built had spline shaft pots with the adapter sleeve.
deepblue said:
Is there any way to put a volume knob thats designed for a split pot shaft onto a solid shaft?
I want to use a Gibson speed knob, but its got those grooves in the hole and not quite big enough
to fit onto the pot I plan on using.
I know it would be simple to change the pot, but I only want to do that as a last resort.


