
Posting Pictures

Choose an image hosting site like Flickr or Photobucket, upload your pictures, grab the image's URL and post it within an image tag in your post.

For example:
Minus the asterisk, becomes
The other trick requires a two step process, but it doesn't break images when you forget and delete something next year. Attach the image using the 'Attachments and other options' below. Then once you've posted your posting with the images as attachments, you can open them up by clicking on them, grab the url, then put it in image tags. They'll be visible twice - once full size and once at reduced size, all at the bottom. But that way you don't have to host them.
My preference is for people to use Line6man's method.  It saves on disk space usage on the server.
Yep Line6man has it correct.  :icon_thumright:

Here is a full example on how to use photobucket. From another site I'm on.