
Post build blues

Most of my blue are just wishing I could be building one right now.  The things I would change are really small and I still love the guitar.  I just miss getting to put one together.
I think my ADD really affects things. I can plan something for months, build it then I am completely done with it. I have no interest in keeping the completed projects and they really don't mean alot to me. Now mind you I've never used an $800 VIP body and $600 super exotic neck but I have used some exceptoinal stuff. Even doing my own finishes that come out fantastic. I can't explain it. :dontknow:
That doesn't sound like an ADD problem as much as an OCD problem. You feel compelled to build something, become obsessed with it, and on completion lose all interest.

I have both of those disorders as well, although they're well-controlled with beer and cigarettes <grin>
I always have to have a project I am working on with my hands.  My desk job can be a bit rough so coming home to something where I can turn my brain off is relaxing.  My poor wife has never had a house that was not under some sort of remodeling project.  My guitar build did delay me gutting my basement so I could finish a rec room though  :icon_tongue:
I don't plan on missing it. I plan on one guitar (that's all I can afford), and then enjoying it for the rest of my life or until I play it into a pile of sawdust  :icon_thumright:
I got the post build blues with my first build. But my most recent one i'm completely satisfied.
B3Guy said:
I don't plan on missing it. I plan on one guitar (that's all I can afford), and then enjoying it for the rest of my life or until I play it into a pile of sawdust  :icon_thumright:
Everyone planned just one guitar... but this is more addicting than oreo cookies...
I planned only one guitar (to build), and it was agony waiting to join the ranks of those who had already built guitars, but now I am really GASing for another guitar  project.
That's why I'm letting mine drag out...
ok not really, between Christmas, moving, and work going nuts... and knowing I won't be getting the neck right away doesn't help.
I love building.  Aside from a few soundtrack things (none recent), I haven't played for any specific project or band in a while.  Most of my noodling is on either my fretless baritone or my nylon string Yamaha, just to keep my fingers moving.  I used to be primarily a bass player, and I honest can't remember the last time I played my bass.  I also own a house that was built in 1955 and has more small projects than I have capillaries, and I'm trying to start a second career.

I don't come anywhere close to needing another guitar. . . but I want to build 3 or 4 more, just because it's so much fun to do!

I built one for my brother (who does play regularly), and I was just desperately hoping he'd like it and want to build another.  And he has!  Now I'm working on a Pinecaster for him, and I've decided that I'd love to build myself a "Stress-Choir" (half Strat, half Esquire) out of pine with a Boatneck, and/or a thinline with no magnetic pickups but a Graphtech ghost bridge for acoustic & midi sounds, then a 7 string Musiclander, then another fretless guitar . . . and so on, and so forth.

Trying to stave off that feeling of post-build blues is a terrible thing.  The only thing that keeps if off is the fix of another build.

Ok everyone, all together:  "We've been dancin' with - Mr Brownstone...."

... My post build blues?

The warmoth conversion neck didn't suit my taste. Its just not there. Somethings missing