
Possible to remove Danish Oil and apply a color finish?


Hi all,
This is a Warmoth Soloist mahogany body with quilt maple top that I've had for about 15 years. It originally had a Danish or Tung Oil Finish applied by the luthier back then. I re-applied Danish Oil about 5 years ago. The top is so highly figured that I really would like to put some color in it. I have no experience with these things and was wondering the following:
1) Is it possible to remove the oil finish that is currently sealiing the wood
2) What is the best option for applying a simple color finish? Can I use some kind of color tint in a new oil finish? I'm looking for something that I can brush or preferably, wipe on without a lot of equipment.

As far as removing the oil finish,  you can see from the side angle that the quilt top doesnt appear to be very thick. I think it might only be 1/8 inch, so I am nervous about any heavy sanding that might wear through the top and expose the mahogany underneath (is this even a realistic fear?)

Here are a few photos. Yes, this is the same guitar that I have cross-posted to the "for sale" forum. If I end up not selling it, I would like to pursue this re-finishing experiment :)
You have three options basically:

1.) Strip it back to bare wood and you can dye/stain it. Any residual tung oil or danish oil would inhibit dye absorbsion.
2.) You might try using some of the colors from woodburst.com; they contain tung oil, and might work, never tried them except on bare wood myself.
3.) You could try shooting the guitar with a transparent toner, like the Mohawk Classic Ultra Toners, then applying another top finish.

Safest bet is stripping it to bare wood, not much chance of sanding through that top, use a palm sander or block and #220 sandpaper. Then you can do whatever....