
Pignose 7-100 (video)


Hero Member
Just thought I'd share a video demo I made the other day of my old Pignose 7-100 amp, (played with my Warmoth of course).


This is the actual amp I got back when I first started playing over 20 years ago, and I made the video cuz I was kinda fed up with all the youtube videos out there from people who can't seem to get a good sound out of it.    Which to me is crazy, cuz this thing sounds killer when you tweak the volume on your guitar and record it with more than just a camera mic.

Or maybe it's just the Warmoth. ;-)

Anyway, enjoy!!!
that sounds really good man! about time someone done something half decent with this amp! the same goes for alot of other gear, such as the proco rat. everyone i've heard demo it sounds like crap.
That is seriously cool. Love the tone out of it, especially the middle & neck clean sound, gorgeous.
Thanks!  It really does sound amazing if done right.

I just think it's such a cool little amp that gets unfairly lumped in with a lot of those $100 - $150 beginner amps that have 4 channels, reverb, effects, an iPod plug in, maybe even a coffee grinder or something.  (and if you'd played most of those, they're basically just toys)  And of course a lot of those poorly made Youtube videos of the ol' Pignose don't help.  :-)     

But as someone who does a lot of recording, I would totally pick one up if I didn't have one already.  (They're only like $75, which crazy for something that sounds like that) 

It is completely a studio amp, imo, and not a beginner amp at all.  I'm almost tempted to check out it's bigger brother "The Hog". 

We'll see. :-)
GoDrex said:
Zappa used a Pignose in the studio quite a bit.

I'd always heard he used it mostly on the Apostrophe and Overnite Sensation albums, although despite countless listenings of that and all this other albums, I've never been able to actually make it out.   Probaby a testiment to how good the amp sounds, that or just great PR marketing  by Pignose.

Although when it comes to Zappa, that man could have been recording a tuba and made it sound like a harpsichord.  :-)   That's a man that wasn't afraid of messing with stuff in the studio.
taez555 said:
GoDrex said:
Zappa used a Pignose in the studio quite a bit.

I'd always heard he used it mostly on the Apostrophe and Overnite Sensation albums, although despite countless listenings of that and all this other albums, I've never been able to actually make it out.   Probaby a testiment to how good the amp sounds, that or just great PR marketing  by Pignose.

Although when it comes to Zappa, that man could have been recording a tuba and made it sound like a harpsichord.  :-)   That's a man that wasn't afraid of messing with stuff in the studio.

Having had a couple of vintage Gibson SG's and played them through a Pignose back in the day, I never really thought about it before reading this post, but you can get that exact sound/tone on "Dirty Love"/other songs on Overnite Sensation playing direct through a Pignose. Haven't used mine in a long time, dug it out and used your link to order the broken AC adapter for it...
Someone brought along a Pignose Hog to a jam session I went to a few years ago. It wasn't quite loud enough to beat a drummer (but I'm not sure if it was a 20 or a 30), but it wasn't far off tbh. Being close enough to hear it I can confirm that it sounded pretty killer.
jackthehack said:
Having had a couple of vintage Gibson SG's and played them through a Pignose back in the day, I never really thought about it before reading this post, but you can get that exact sound/tone on "Dirty Love"/other songs on Overnite Sensation playing direct through a Pignose. Haven't used mine in a long time, dug it out and used your link to order the broken AC adapter for it...

Now that you say it, I really can see it.   In my head I always leaned towards the fuzz tones on songs like "Cosmik Debris" from Apostrophe, but didn't want to believe they could be that little amp.

The intro guitar definitely, but the guitar solo especially at 2:03.   Plus... that has to be the best sounding wah EVER RECORDED at 2:29  :guitaristgif:

But now that I'm listening to Overnite Sensation, it's alllllll sounding like the Pignose. :-)

Here's Dirty Love
Solo starts at 1:12, but there's a bunch of licks and stuff before it.

Solo guitar starts at 2;25

I think it's a just a combo of that SG with the mid boost, the wah pedal and ol' Pignose that really solidify that Zappa sound on those albums.

God I love those albums. :-)
Don't forget that Zappa's "SG" was at times slamming the front of the Pignose with an 18db boost - - that's a big part of the raunchiness of that tone.

Listen to the intro to I'm The Slime
