This project inspired me to start planning my next Warmoth.. a chambered J bass with a piezo. I was thinking of using nylon tapewound strings with it for more of that acoustic sound, but I'm curious if a piezo-only bass will work as well as that guitar. I also considered throwing a Nordstrand Fat Stack in the bridge (no neck pup) and just using standard strings to improve functionality a bit, but that would take a way a bit from the acoustic bass sound.
I'm just trying to catch some of the ideas bouncing around in my head and get them typed up before I lose them. I've been hitting YouTube but came up empty handed
when looking for piezo-only bass clips.
Also, does anyone know of a cream soapbar cover for bass? Carey said Nordstrand doesn't supply cream covers but if I send him once he'd build a Fat Stack to go inside it.
I'm just trying to catch some of the ideas bouncing around in my head and get them typed up before I lose them. I've been hitting YouTube but came up empty handed
when looking for piezo-only bass clips.
Also, does anyone know of a cream soapbar cover for bass? Carey said Nordstrand doesn't supply cream covers but if I send him once he'd build a Fat Stack to go inside it.