Pickup suggestions

Mountain Man

I'm thinking about a chambered black korina S-Paul type of guitar that has the look and feel of a strat with more of a LP sound, but I'm not quite willing to give up on the strat sound altogether.  Right now I'm looking at putting Seymour Duncan Little '59's in the neck and bridge positions, and I'd like to add a more traditional-sounding single coil to the middle position for strat sounds.  I'll probably wire it up like a G&L S-500 with a traditional 5-way switch, and a mini-toggle (or push-pull) that will allow me to get the N+B combo as well as all three pickups at once.  Therefore, I really need a single coil that can "hang" with the Little '59's, as well as sound good in the korina body.

What single coil pickup will pair up well (especially output-wise) with the Little 59's?  I'd prefer noiseless but am totally open to suggestions at this point.  The Dimarzio Area 58 seems like a good choice based on the limited research I've done but I'm not clear on how it'll match up output wise.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions you may have.